Crossed Directions - Chapter 2: That woman is nuts

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Then Aunt Bridget continued " as you know.. In less than a week you'll be sixteen.. Well, at least Mary. Alice you will be this year but later on." "So that means you can take more responsibility of yourself and other things" my mom added.

Mary and I stared at each other with a confused look, but then Uncle Gilbert talked again.

"We know you both have a big obsession for the British boy band named One Direction, and that you've always dreamed of traveling to Europe, to UK and Ireland to be more specific"

Then, we knew where they were going to with this conversation.

"I know that Mary have always dreamed of having a sweet sixteen party... And you, Alice, always wanted to travel, but you both wished to share your birthdays together, with an adventure" "so we've been thinking"- added my dad.

"UK is One Direction's hometown, and it's your biggest dream to meet them, plus you are so obsessed with that country, so we wanted to tell you that..." Said Mary's mom. "For your sweet sixteen, you are going to EUROPE!" Said our parents at the same time.

We couldn't believe it. EUROPE. We were going to EUROPE!

We screamed as loud as we could with this news. It's everything we've always secretly -now not so secretly- dreamed of! I can tell by Mary's expression she almost cried of joy! I just couldn't stop smiling. We started hugging and jumping around her house, and we hugged our parents for this present, we just couldn't stop smiling and laughing! .This would obviously be the best birthday ever! - We thought- our life was perfect!

After hugging our parents, Mary started talking.

"When are we going to Europe?" "You are going the last day of school, meaning there’s still a week left, but you are only going to UK and if you want to, you can also go to Ireland" said Uncle Gilbert. "IRELAND!? OF COURSE, OMG YESSSS DAD OMG!!" Mary loved UK and Ireland, just like me. But she also loved Ireland for a special reason- Niall Horan. He was her biggest crush; she'd always dreamed of meeting him and be friends -or more than friends- with him. And in my opinion, they were perfect for each other. However, I think I love food more than her but don’t tell her that because she will go crazy. Although, Niall and her did shared some qualities. She was always laughing really loud like Niall, and was always happy and really crazy. And me? Well I love them all. But let’s say if I could kidnap only one of them, it will definitely be Lou Tomlinson.

I was forced back to real life with the wild screams of Mary. I swear this girl was nuts but I love her. “Imagine if we meet One Direction and they fall in love with us like that fanfic of Wattpad you read!” Mary shrieked/screamed.

That thought seemed wild but there could always be a possibility. There was hope. I didn’t want to think much about the subject because there were high possibilities of getting let down if we didn’t meet them.

We both thanked our parents one more time and said goodbye to each other. Then we got in the car.

I was peacefully looking through the blurry window doing my favorite hobby, think when my mom snapped me out of my thoughts. “You know Alice…” She started “Although you both are quite responsible I am afraid you I will insist of you having a chaperone”.

I wanted to groan because I did not want to have a babysitter with me when I met One Direction (if). However, I did not groan because I was very grateful for this trip and I did not want my parents to think I was a selfish brat.

“Sure mom, who did you have in mind?” I replied, crossing my fingers it wasn’t Aunt Shelby.


“Well, we were thinking of Aunt Shelby.”

Holly Molly, no please! I love Aunt Shelby and all, don't get me wrong but that woman is freaking nuts.

"Do you have anyone else in mind" I asked hopefully. There was no way I was going to the trip of my life with my crazy-stalkerish aunt.


Sooo what do you think??

Thanks for reading this, really apprecciate it! If you like my story, show some love and fan, comment and vote :)

Sorry for errors! I do my best!

Thanks to all the people who read the first chapter.

I will dedicate this chapter to a friend of mine that voted and commented :)

If you voted too, don't worry I will dedicate a chapter soon to you amazing reader!


Also go and fan my amazing friend who is co-writing this with me: @MariaReginaIsaza

Well I have to study :(

I will add soon a picture of Mary maybe in this chapter but later because I have a test tomorrow.



Bye xx

Crossed Directions (A one direction fanfic) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now