Chapter Forty-five

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A soft groan released from parted lips. Her head and muscles radiated a familiar ache. She peeled her eyes open only to shut them again.


She blinked a few times and saw Erica standing over her. Avery's eyes widened when she remembered what happened. She clutched her head, willing the pain to recede.

"Oliver... The baby..." the heart rate monitor began to beep faster as she thought of all the possibilities.

"Oh, good you're awake." Sarah walked in and smiled.

"Please tell me my baby is alright," Avery begged.

"Calm down," Sarah rubbed her shoulder soothingly, "your baby is fine. You have a concussion but no broken bones." She shook her head. "You're both very lucky, Avery. I've run all the tests and your baby is fine. I would like you to take it slow and careful until you're at least 12 weeks along. You did have some bleeding, but it wasn't anything we need to be concerned about."

"And Oliver?"

Sarah sighed and leaned on the end of the bed. "He's out of surgery now, but he lost a lot of blood." She frowned. "He got shot twice. One bullet was embedded in his shoulder and the other went through his lower back and out the other side. It was only a flesh wound. He was lucky that it didn't hit any major organs or arteries." She chuckled. "I have never seen so much luck before in my life."

"Can I see him?" Avery choked out.

"Of course, you can. He was taken to his room two hours ago from recovery. I'm pretty sure he's sleeping at the moment."

She frowned. "How long have we been here for?"

Sarah checked her watch. "About seven hours now. He was conscious before he went in for surgery and managed to tell the nurses to give me a call. Oh," she dug through her pockets, "he told someone to get these back to you." She took her hand and placed the two rings in her palm.

"Thank you," Avery whispered and slid them back on to her finger.

Erica got a wheelchair while Sarah began detaching everything except for the drip. They both helped Avery off the bed and into the chair. Every movement made her head spin and body ache. She thought she was going to throw up multiple times along the way.

They entered the darkened room, and she was pushed towards the bed. Oliver was still asleep, but looked pale. Avery's shaking hand was placed on Oliver's large one and brought it to her lips.

"I'll be right outside." Erica touched her shoulder and left.

"I'm so sorry," Avery whispered in the dim room. She looked down and rubbed her belly while sending silent apologies to their baby.

"Avery?" a hoarse voice croaked.

"Oliver," she breathed out, "I'm so glad you're okay."

"The baby?" he tentatively whispered.

Avery smiled gently and stroked his cheek. "The baby's fine."

He breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank fuck. I've never been so scared in my life. When I saw you on the ground I-I didn't know what to do," his voice cracked. "I don't think I could live without you." Just the thought tore him apart.

"I'm sorry Oliver. I'm so, so sorry." Tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Shh..." Oliver stroked her hair. "You're both safe now."

He winced when he tried to sit up a bit. Avery leaned on the rail with shaky legs and hit the call button.

"They'll be able to give you something for the pain."

"It's fine, it's not that bad." He smiled softly and stroked her cheek.

A nurse walked in with a skip. "It's good to see you Mr Black" She smiled at the both of them and turned the lights up a little. "How's the pain?"

"It's not too bad." Oliver shrugged but ended up wincing.

"Uh-huh..." She trailed off with a raised brow. "I'll get you something for it." She left after checking the monitors.

"What did the doctor say?"

Avery reiterated what the doctor said. Oliver nodded and felt a profound sense of relief as tears welled in his eyes.

The door burst open followed by a distraught Vivienne.

"Oliver! Avery!" She rushed into the room. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

Avery was soon engulfed in a bear hug.

"Mom, be careful. You going to suffocate her." Oliver sighed tiredly.

She pulled back and looked at her son. Vivienne nearly launched herself on him and cried on his chest.

"Avery," Maxwell hugged her and helped her back into the wheelchair. "We came as soon as we heard."

"You were away on holiday, weren't you? I'm sorry to ruin it."

He smiled and shrugged. "Don't worry about it." Maxwell patted her shoulder. "Do you think I should save him?"

Oliver was giving his father help me eyes as Vivienne sobbed and clung to her son.

"Probably." Avery smiled.

Maxwell sighed and pulled Vivienne off him. He gave his son a hug and a smile.

"Ave!" Russell walked into the room looking like hell. "Erica said you were awake. I'm so happy you're okay." He engulfed her in a hug before doing the same to Oliver and greeted Maxwell and Vivienne.

"What happened?" Oliver asked, taking her hand.

"I managed to get there after the police did." Russell sighed and dragged a chair over. "Just as the police got there Aaron shot himself in the head. He had severe and untreated mental health problems for a long time, which caused him to get into some trouble in the past." He leaned back in his seat. "Leah was seen to pretty quickly, she's okay. Lost a lot of blood, but okay. She's awake now, but she's fighting everyone. She pulled her stitches and had to be put under again." He swallowed nervously. "I'm trying to have her involuntarily admitted to a psychiatric facility, that also specializes in drug induced psychosis and rehabilitation." He ran his hands through his hair. "They also found the guys who kidnapped you and they've also been arrested."

Avery nodded her head with pursed lips.

The nurse came in and gave Oliver some pain relief. "There you are. If you feel any discomfort let me know."

Everyone began to leave the room. Russell and Erica went to have dinner and Maxwell and Vivienne went back home.

"Avery," she looked up at Oliver, "join me."

Avery shook her head. "I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't," he said gently. He really just wanted her close.

Avery swallowed and gave in at the pleading look he was giving her. She pulled the rail down, moved the drip closer and climbed into the bed.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked as she hesitantly laid her head on his chest.

"Positive." He stroked her hair gently while she played with his fingers.

Avery's eyes started to close, and her body finally relaxed.

Aaron was gone for good and Leah was getting the help she needed. There was no one out there trying to hurt them anymore.

They were going to put the nightmare behind them and move on with their lives. 

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