Chapter Nine

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A breath heaved from her lips as she stared intently at the bookshelves across from her desk. Jeremiah was very quiet, not bothering her much, it should have been a welcomed reprieve, but it just put her on edge. He had yet to tell Marie or Leah about Oliver's decision, it was still out of her hands.

She still couldn't understand just why he wanted to marry her. Leah would be a perfect trophy wife, except for her partying ways, but she was great at socializing and getting on people's good side. She also looked like she belonged on a red carpet.

Then there was her. Sure, she was productive and efficient but personally she was a mess. She was torn down so many times she never had an opportunity to build herself back up. No matter what she did she could never escape.

They broke her. Shattered her completely, and what's broken will never be put back together the same again.

"Avery," her eyes snapped to those of Aaron's. "Are you okay?" his voice was drenched in concern. "You seemed to have spaced out."

"Oh, no, I'm fine. I was just lost in thought." She gave him a tight smile. She had a feeling telling him to get lost wouldn't go down very well.

"Okay," he smiled and lifted a paper bag, "I brought lunch!"

Avery cleared her throat and looked at him with trepidation. She had never wished for Jeremiah to call for her until then. He was at least somewhat predictable. "Thank you, you didn't have to do that."

"I wanted to." He sat himself on the seat across from her and rummaged through the bag. He pulled out two of everything, sandwiches, water and apples. "So, what are you up to this weekend?"

Avery remained at her seat, but close to her phone in case she needed to call security, even if that meant getting into trouble with Jeremiah. "Russell is taking me out tonight." A small smile broke through despite her discomfort. He was always the one to get her out of the house. Jeremiah didn't like her going out much, most of the time he would load her with work and if she was somewhere other than work or home, she would be hearing from him. She wasn't sure why he wanted her so isolated, or to control her so desperately. He appeared to be addicted to it, the control and power he felt when he stood above her, the symbol of her parents.

"Oh, I see." Aaron seemed disappointed; his lips formed a grim line. "Where are you going?"

"I don't really know."

"Right." He nodded, but his jaw remained clenched.

They ate in silence with Avery only picking at her food. Being alone with him made her uneasy, the way he looked at her, the anger, it all made her feel cautious. The red flags were waving frantically in the back of her mind and she didn't need another Jeremiah Adley in her life.

"Thanks for lunch." She smiled a well-rehearsed smile. "But I better get back to-"

"Avery!" Jeremiah's voice cut through the intercom.

With a semi-relieved sigh, she stood from her seat. Aaron stood as well and caught her arm as she was about to walk past him. Her breath hitched. He was too close for comfort.

"Aaron?" she spoke quietly, "I have to go."

His jaw clenched; his grip tightened before he released her. Her steps were quick as she made it to Jeremiah's office.


"Get me a meeting with Sova Communications," he ordered.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and tried to steady her shaking hands. Her previous worries were momentarily out the window.

"Yes, Sir." Her voice trembled.

"Make it a lunch, you won't be required."

She breathed a huge sigh of relief. "Of course."


Russell took Avery back home. During the drive 90s music blasted through speakers accompanied by Russell's bad singing, but he was enjoying himself until they pulled up to the house.

"We'll have some dinner before leaving." Avery nodded in agreement, put her things away in her room and exchanged her heels for comfortable blue fuzzy slippers. She shuffled downstairs and saw Russell and Marie having a conversation in the dining room and decided to go and greet Gerard.

"Bonsoir Avery, dinner will be ready soon."

"It smells good." She hummed and smiled at him. He flashed her a quick smile before returning to finish his work.

When it was ready, Avery assisted Gerard with the plates of risotto and set them out on the table. Russell and Marie continued their talking. It was mostly gossip and trends. She picked up the wife of Franklin Werner the CEO of a famous hotel chain and head of a prominent family, was having an affair with Nathan Gallagher who also happened to be the competition in the hotel business. Avery tuned out after that and focused on the delicious chicken and mushroom risotto.

"My God Avery!" Marie cried in disbelief. "You surely don't need to eat all of that! What will people think?! You already weigh enough as it is! You should aim to be more like Leah!"

"Mother!" Russell snapped at her. "Avery is perfect! If anything, she needs to gain some."

Marie snorted in response. Avery pushed her plate aside and sighed.

"Avery, finish your meal," Russell said softly.

"It's fine, Russell, I was finished anyway." She smiled softly. "Please excuse me, I'll go and get ready." Without another word she stood from her seat and climbed the stairs.

She scoured her wardrobe and found something appropriate that would cover her bruises including the one still around her neck. She quickly showered, dressed, applied slightly heavier make up and slipped on her strappy heels. A knock prompted her to open the door after grabbing her clutch.

Russell stood on the other side of the door, tapping away on his phone. He looked up and scanned her attire. "Looking good, Ave." He chuckled, "I'm going to have to carry a gun."

Avery chuckled along. "You're not so bad yourself, Russ."

He was a handsome man. He looked more like Joseph than he did his father. Both men and women tended to eye him when he went out, but he never seemed uncomfortable with the attention, he just ignored it and carried on as per usual.

"Let's go!" he exclaimed and held his arm out before they began to head down the stairs. "Now, I just want to say I'm sorry beforehand."

Avery looked up at him in confusion.

"Finally!" A shrill impatient voice came from the bottom of the marbled stairs. Leah stood there with her arms crossed and her sky-high platforms tapping on the ground. She quickly adjusted her halter neck dress. It took to her curves and flattered her height, but mostly showcased her long legs. Avery was always envious that she could pull off any look with ease.

Avery groaned quietly.

"I'm sorry, she found out we were going and wanted to come," Russell explained with a heavy sigh.

"It's fine," Avery smiled, she knew better than anyone how stubborn Leah could be. 

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