Chapter Thirty-one

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Avery woke up with Oliver fast asleep on his stomach, an arm draped over her waist. She slipped out and smiled when she heard an unhappy groan.

She showered and changed before walking out to the kitchen where she was met with an array of breakfast foods. Eggs, toast, bacon, sausages, muffins, omelets and fruits. Erica was dancing around the kitchen, springing from one side to another to get utensils. Her brown hair bounced, following her movements as pop music played in the background.

Erica finally noticed Avery's presence and her lips curve into a huge smile, it was the total opposite of how she appeared the night before. "Come and eat!" She switched off the music.

Avery sat down, watching Erica move around the kitchen with wary eyes. She took Avery's plate and loaded it with more food than she knew what to do with.

"How about we go swimming?" she asked with sparkling blue eyes. Erica looked at Avery with so much excitement she couldn't bear to refuse her.

"Sure." Avery smiled then winced when Erica squealed.

Oliver walked out in a t-shirt and shorts, his hair was still slightly wet.

"Jesus, Erica." He looked around at all the food. "We're not going to be able to eat all of this."

Erica giggled. "You're big enough. You could probably fit it in somewhere."

He rolled his eyes and dug into the huge plate of food.

"We're going swimming after," Erica announced.

Oliver huffed. "Fine."

"Just us two." She smirked.

He glared at her but remained silent and continued eating with a small frown. He wanted to go swimming with Avery.

Once Avery finished sipping on her morning tea, she was dragged off to get changed into her swimsuit. Erica fished out the only one from Avery's suitcase.

It wasn't very revealing. It was a teal two piece; one she didn't even realize she packed. 

What bothered her most wasn't the fact she had exposed skin; it was the fact that exposed skin still had marks and discoloration's that still had yet to go away. Oliver saw the worst of her injuries, he helped with most of the dressing changes, so she wasn't as self-conscious about the healing bruises and wearing a swimsuit around him, other people was a different matter.

Her neck was still lightly discolored, but her abdomen was the worst. She glanced at them, her breath hitched and could feel her muscles tense as if awaiting a hit. She snapped out of it and tied a wrap around her waist and put on her sunglasses.

"Looking good Avery!" Erica yelled as Avery approached the door to the patio. She looked her over and did her best not to linger on the marks, but it bothered her, and she was doing a poor job of hiding it. "Let's go!"

They found a nice spot on the beach where Avery lathered on the sunscreen like it would protect her from a nuclear war. After situating themselves, they walked to the water. The water was cool and counteracted the sun's effects.

"Are you okay?" Avery asked. Erica's eyes were dazed and looking far off in the distance.

She nodded. "Yeah." It was an unconvincing response, but she didn't push it.

They talked about nonsense. TV shows that Avery didn't follow, fashion that was definitely not her expertise and trips she had never been on.

Loud footsteps slapped along the wet sand, as she turned, she saw a large body barreling towards them and Avery was thrown over a shoulder swiftly, but with care and a squeal of shock left the startled girl.

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