Chapter Twenty-five

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Oliver paced in the waiting room. Russell sat bouncing his knee up and down, his hands moving through his hair.

"Who could have done this?"

Oliver ignored Russell's heartbroken mutterings, he had a very good idea, but he couldn't stomach to speak. The doctors had been looking at her for over two hours. Every minute felt like an hour.

Alissa came through the doors to the emergency waiting room in a flurry. "What happened?" 

"She was beaten. Badly." Russell replied through gritted teeth.

Alissa swallowed, her hands shook, she knew. She knew who the only person to beat her within an inch of her life was. All she could mutter was, "not again."

Oliver's pacing paused and he was almost afraid to look at her and get the answers he knew deep down.

"Again?" Russell looked at her wide eyed, his face paled further.

"She always begged us not to tell anyone." She sniffled and looked away in shame.

"Mr Black, Mr Adley?" A tall doctor cut off Oliver from speaking.

"How is she?" Oliver shot out.

"Please follow me." The doctor ushered them to a quiet a corner of the room, out of earshot of others. "We completed the examination on Miss Adley. She woke up not long ago, but we gave her something to help sleep for the moment. She has a concussion, multiple rib fractures, broken nose, multiple contusions and bruising. Her liver and kidneys also seem to be bruised. We suspect she's been whipped with a belt judging by the welts and buckle shaped marks on her skin. Miss Adley has very clearly put up quite a fight. She was strangled, but her trachea isn't affected although there is a slight increase in respiratory effort from the inflammation, but nothing concerning." He paused and looked at Oliver with suspicion. "The police have taken photographs and managed to find potential DNA from underneath her fingernails."

Oliver glanced at Russell who was lost in thought. If what he thought was true, then Adley and the police seemed to go hand in hand.

Just as the doctor finished speaking an officer walked up behind him and ushered him to a separate, smaller waiting room. The officer and her partner asked many questions, where he was, what he was doing, who he was with, his relationship with Avery, their recent fight and more. Oliver was thankful there were cameras in his apartment building, giving him the alibi he needed. If they truly got DNA from underneath her fingernails it would help them get the real asshole responsible.

"I have to ask." The officer looked at him in the eye. "Have you ever hit or abused your fiancée?"

"Absolutely not."

"There are clear signs of prior abuse." The officer's lips pursed while his stomach churned. "There are a lot of old bruises in different stages of healing. Mostly on her abdomen, back and thighs. Which is pretty common in these domestic violence cases as they're easy to cover. There are clear signs of attempted rape," she clenched her jaw, "but from the report they were unsuccessful. She's a fighter. Whoever it was didn't get away unharmed." The officers stood to leave. "We will be in touch."

Oliver whipped out his phone the moment they were gone and rang Sam.

"You finally want to hear what I have to say, huh?" Sam asked with an indignant huff.

"Avery's in the hospital, Sam."

He sighed. "I'll be over in a minute. I have some things to show you anyway."

"Sam will be here soon. He can help."

"Sam?" Russell frowned. "Not Samson Davis?" He groaned.

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