Chapter One

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She held her stinging cheek with the palm of her hand. Her gaze remained on the floor, staring at the papers that scattered on the slate grey carpet.

She didn't know what she did that warranted a slap to the face. Avery thought her report was written to perfection, her scheduling was done to satisfaction, yet she stood there racking her brains trying to think of why she deserved such a hit.

Knowing that man, she didn't have to do anything. There didn't need to be a specific reason as to why, it could simply be a bad day.

By the stinging sensation she could tell it was bright red against her light complexion. She knew better than most that his large, calloused hands could do much more damage.

Avery considered herself lucky that it was just a mere open palm hit.

"How many times do I have to tell you?!" he roared in her face. "Give me those notes twenty minutes after every meeting!"

It hadn't even been twenty minutes since the meeting ended.

"I'm sorry, Sir," she took a deep breath, "I-I sent the notes already via email along with the report you asked me to complete. I have the h-hard copies right here, Sir."

She didn't like being that person, so timid and frightened she would stutter, but she was taught and conditioned to thoroughly fear him.

"Pick this shit up and get out of my sight," Jeremiah spat before walking behind his desk and sinking into the plush leather chair.

"Yes, Sir." Avery hurriedly collected the papers that were strewn across the carpet and organised them accordingly before she set them neatly on his oak desk. She didn't dare meet his eyes in fear of a stapler flying at her head for not moving fast enough.

Her boss, Jerimiah Adley was the CEO of Adley Corporations. It had been in the family for generations and made a point to pass it along to the next generation of Adleys. Jeremiah was also Avery's Uncle who adopted her when she survived a house fire that took her parents at the tender age of only eight.

Unfortunately, she wasn't treated anything like their daughter or even a niece but the burden he and his wife had taken upon themselves to look good for the media and high society. In front of others they would smile adoringly at the red-haired young woman, but behind closed doors she was treated worse than a mutt.

She sat in her office chair and fixed her makeup as best she could to hide the red handprint that was becoming clearer. With the right makeup it looked well and truly muted.

If anyone were to find out how Jeremiah and Marie Adley treated their niece and adopted daughter, she would probably never see the light of day again. Any unwanted attention to what happened behind closed doors would perhaps make people look closer to the deals that were made in his large office.

Avery quickly learned the only way to survive was by taking it day by day and keeping her head down. That way she wouldn't be bitten by the coldblooded individual.

Once Avery adjusted her clothes and hair she began to prepare for the next meeting. The company's biggest competitors were wanting to collaborate on a multimillion-dollar project and use some of their resources and vice versa.

Before she knew it, the shrill sound of her phone cried for her attention. "Avery Adley," she answered.

"Avery, the team from Black Tech are here." The front desk receptionist, Natalie, spoke as she eyed their guests with a lascivious gaze.

"Please show them up while I get Mr Adley ready."

"Not a problem." With that she hung up. 

Avery inhaled and exhaled, preparing herself for facing the devil. She knocked on Jeremiah's door and waited for the gruff 'come in'. After opening the only barrier between the two, she merely stood in the threshold.

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