Chapter Thirty-six

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Oliver couldn't deny he was proud that Avery stood up to Jeremiah, but he would have rather it be under better circumstances, if that were possible.

He took Avery back home who was so very lost and bewildered. He helped her change into one of his t-shirts and just held her in bed.

A few days passed and Oliver didn't know what to do. He opted to work from home since the other day, and stay with Avery, but he was becoming worried. She was like a ghost. No screaming, no crying, she was just existing. Mentally, she was in worse condition than when she was beaten.

He washed the shampoo out of his hair with a sigh.

Vivienne was working tirelessly to plan the wedding, while he had some plans of his own. They hoped it would make Avery happy, to have a special day and give her some hope for the future. Vivienne was both happy and frustrated that Avery had very little requirements for the wedding. She merely helped choose some flowers, the color scheme and had some input with the dress. Otherwise, everything else was up to Erica and Vivienne.

Oliver couldn't help the butterflies that came with the thought of spending the rest of his life with Avery.

He jumped slightly when he felt Avery pressing her clothed body to his back and wrapping her arms around his waist as the water soaked through her shirt, clinging to her body. Oliver turned and met her sad grey eyes that looked up at him, water droplets clutching her lashes.

"You should rest, baby," he murmured and held her face in his hands.

She shook her head and opened her mouth to speak, before closing it again and looking away.

"What is it?"

Avery studied him as Oliver brushed the hair away from her beautiful face.

Her small hands reached up and cupped his cheeks. She pulled his face closer and kissed him like her life depended on it.

She needed his arms, she needed his body, his love, it went deeper than sex, she needed to feel him down to her very soul. Avery needed that reassurance only he could provide, but he also needed it too. It was a wordless affirmation they were there, together.

Oliver's arms wound around her petite frame, the two made quick work of removing her clothes. He lifted her feather light body and all but slammed her against the wall. His mouth enclosed on her earlobe and sucked and nipped. Avery melted against him and moaned as his lips and tongue worked on her sensitive skin. He gripped her hair and pulled her head back, she gasped and moaned as his lips encased hers in a deeply possessive kiss.

He easily thrusted into her without resistance against the tiled wall. Her gasps and moans drove him closer to the edge. He held back, but when her moans became louder and felt her body reacting around him, his hips moved with wild abandon. He pushed himself further and deeper, faster and harder until tears formed in her eyes.

Avery held on to him like he was the oxygen she needed to breath and Oliver had no intention of letting her suffocate.

Their pleasure soared as they lost themselves in one another. The water became lukewarm, but neither cared. Avery reached the peak and fell over the cliff before Oliver leaped after her. They found their release and stood staring into each other's eyes. Their breath came out in pants as the water cascaded over the both of them.

Avery was slowly lowered to the ground where they scrubbed each other clean before all the warm water could run out.


Avery reheated some leftovers for dinner and set the dining table. She returned to being quiet, with little words being spoken.

Oliver watched as Avery looked like she was thinking hard. Tears welled in her eyes and her fork and knife clattered on her plate as she brought her hands to her face. Oliver was by her side in an instant. He didn't know what to do or say that would possibly make her feel better. Her arms wound their way around his neck, and she cried on his shoulder.

He rubbed her back and whispered sweet words in her ear.

"I just didn't think they were so cold hearted that they would do something so horrific," she murmured. "I-I don't know what to do."

"You don't have to do anything."

Avery pulled away; her teary eyes looked up at him. "You know what he said when he picked me up from the hospital after I tried to kill myself?" She chuckled humorlessly. "He said 'next time you want to die, let me know. I'll gladly finish the job.' I was in denial. I denied the fact that my own family were a bunch of monsters."

Oliver sighed, he wished he could say he was surprised with Jeremiah's response. His lips thinned and he shifted as he looked at her. "I want you to think about seeing a therapist- or just someone that can help you. I'm happy to talk to you, but I don't know how to help like they can."

Avery sighed; she was a little resistant to the idea of talking to a stranger but nodded. "I'll think about it."

Instead of saying anything, he kissed her forehead, brushed away her tears and took her hand. She didn't question him and just followed. Avery was sat on the sofa where he wrapped the throw blanket around her and walked back to the kitchen and scooped some ice cream into a bowl.

She chuckled and sniffled when he gave her the bowl. Oliver put a movie on and wrapped her up securely in his arms. Occasionally she would feed him a spoonful of ice cream.

"I nearly forgot to tell you, Mom and Erica want to go shopping with you next week for the wedding." Avery looked at him and nodded, she placed the empty bowl on the coffee table. "I've assigned Tony to you and hired a few more bodyguards."

"Oliver, I don't-"

"You can't argue with me on this. You need protection. Things will become even more hectic."

"I just don't want to be followed everywhere I go."

"They're very discreet, unless there's a possible threat. That's why I hired them."

"Okay." Avery gave him a small smile and nestled herself in his chest.

Oliver's phone rang, interrupting their conversation. "Sam?"

"The news broke out. There are vultures hanging around your apartment and both office buildings." Oliver sighed. He knew it was stupid, but he really hoped it would take longer for it to break out. "Be careful. Russell can't do anything either. I spoke with him and he has put Leah on lockdown." Sam continued. "Leah is really unhinged. Russell said to keep Avery away from the house. But good news is they've arrested Denner. The DNA results came back, and he's also been implicated in a lot of Adley's crimes. He was getting ready to run."

"Okay, thanks Sam."

"Thank me with a full course meal from a five-star chef."

"Bye Sam." Oliver hung up with a slight chuckle.

Avery tore her eyes from the screen. "Everything okay?"

"The media have jumped on the news." Oliver sighed. "We'll have to be careful." He paused. "Denner's been arrested."

A large breath escaped her, and a small but relieved smile was on her lips. 

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