Chapter Forty-three

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Avery sat on the uncomfortable bed in a thin gown with Oliver sitting in a chair next to her clutching her hand. Avery had to laugh at how nervous he was. His palms were sweating, and his knee was bouncing. She'd never seen him so unsettled, but she also felt bad for him.

"Don't laugh," he muttered with a frown. His expression only made her laugh more.

"Okay!" A doctor pushed open the door. "Mrs Black, I'm Dr Graham but please call me Sarah." She smiled with twinkling brown eyes.

"It's nice to meet you Sarah," Avery greeted her back. "Please, feel free to call me Avery and this is Oliver." She gestured to her husband who was wearing a permanent frown.

Sarah laughed when she took one look at him. "Nervous?"

Oliver nodded and maintained a comically constipated expression.

"Don't worry, the fathers are usually the ones who are the most worried." She took her seat. "I looked through your notes and the checks the nurses did. I'm happy with everything except for your weight, Avery. You need to gain a few more pounds to be at a healthy weight, then you need to be putting on weight throughout the pregnancy. I'll give you materials and guides for you, of course." Avery nodded her head. "Let's do this." She pulled the ultrasound machine closer and got the instrument ready for the ultrasound. "Okay, so you may or may not see a heartbeat and that's completely normal at this stage. Based on your test results your on the cusp of seven weeks."

Sara moved the probe around, apologizing for the discomfort as Avery frowned at the intrusion. She moved it around and tapped away multiple times on the machine before removing it and turning the screen to them.

"There we are." She beamed. "There's your baby!"

Avery's breath hitched when they looked at the small little sac holding their baby. Oliver's grip tightened and she looked to his face to see tears glistening in his blue eyes. Avery removed her hand from his and ran her fingers through his black hair. Tears of her own fell.

Oliver looked at Avery, she saw so much love and awe, it made her heartbeat pick up and a smile appear on her face.

"That's our baby..." he whispered with a small smile. A tear fell from his eye, one he instantly wiped away. "I never thought I would feel this way."

"How do you feel?"

"Happy," he whispered as he stared at the screen. He felt warm knowing there was half of him and half of Avery that created a life, but he couldn't erase his fear.

"Okay guys, I'm quite happy with how you're looking. Congratulations!"

Avery chuckled and cleaned herself up. Sarah pulled out a few booklets for them and a sheet indicating when to have check ups and scans. She disappeared and came back to hand them both a picture of the sonogram.

"Do either of you have any questions?"

"What about complications? My mother nearly died while giving birth to my sister and my sister nearly died." Oliver rushed out. It sounded like he was holding his breath.

Sarah blinked before she smiled. "There are always risks. We'll have check-ups throughout the pregnancy to make sure the baby is okay and determine if it looks as though there will be complications we need to be prepared for. Here, we have a very good set up and an amazing team. There are always extra nurses and doctors on standby for those what ifs." She explained. "If you have any questions about the pregnancy, I have included a few numbers as well as my emergency number. If I'm not on call you will be directed to another doctor in this hospital."

Her explanation put Oliver at ease, but he was still nervous. "But she's so small." He glanced at Avery.

Sarah smiled reassuringly. "Height doesn't have too much of an affect on pregnancy. The female body is designed to adjust to the size of the baby and vice versa, however if it happens that the baby is bigger than expected there are options, like a caesarean to make it easier to deliver. I guarantee the hips adjust and move to accommodate birth."

Oliver nodded and stood from his seat, exhaling all the while.

"I'll be seeing you for your next check-up." She grinned at the couple.

"Thank you, Sarah."

Oliver said his thanks and led the way. They walked through the hospital and out to the car. Oliver stopped and pulled her into a sweet, loving kiss, leaving her breathless and wanting.

"I love you," he breathed out. "I'm sorry I was such a dick."

"You should be!" She pushed his shoulder. "I don't care what happens, just don't shut me out and get drunk like that again."

"Okay." Oliver smiled and kissed her cheek. "I have a few meetings this evening, will you be okay if I drop you off at home? I would like to stay but these meetings are important," he said as they stopped at a traffic light.

"I'll be fine. Are you sure you don't want me to help out?"

Oliver shook his head and kissed her palm. "No, it's okay Sweetheart, I'll manage. I want you to get some sleep and relax. You look exhausted." The car rolled forward. "How's the nausea?"

Avery groaned. "Don't remind me," she grumbled. "It's not that bad at the moment. I think the less nervous I am, the better it is."

"If it gets any worse, I'll call Dr Klein."

"I'm sure we'll be fine, Olly." A tinge of pink appeared on Oliver's cheeks. "Are you blushing?" Avery laughed.

"It's nothing..." His cheeks became darker.

"Wait," she paused, "is it because I called you Olly?" Avery chuckled.

Oliver mumbled under his breath. "Stop laughing or I'll give you something else to laugh about."

"Fine." A smile remained on her face as she tried to contain her laughter.

They rolled into the parking garage. Oliver got out and kissed her deeply and passionately. She clutched his jacket in her hands.

"Wait 'til I get home," he whispered in her ear before sucking her earlobe. A blush creeped over her cheeks and tingles spread throughout her body.

"Hurry home." She smiled. "I love you Oliver."

"I love you too." He dropped to his knees and pulled up her top. He planted a kiss on her stomach. "And I love you," he whispered. Avery bent down and kissed his lips.

"You'll be late, Olly." She smirked mischievously.

"That's it. When I get home, you're going to get it!" He returned to his car. Avery watched as he climbed in and with a final wave, he sped off to work.

Avery couldn't believe the turn around in attitude. After their talk he seemed to wake up. He stopped shutting her out and although he was still nervous, he couldn't deny the fact that he wanted a little Avery running around.

Avery noticed how he would place his hand on her still flat stomach. He became more attentive, more understanding and more protective. The closer the appointment date came, the more nervous he was.

The great Oliver Black was a nervous wreck.

She reveled in the happy feeling she had, and the same could be said for Oliver. His world was growing, and they were going to have a family neither ever thought they would have.

Avery waited for the lift to come, but the startling screeching of tires caught her attention and made her turn around. The smell of burnt rubber met her nose as the flying car screamed to a halt in front of the lifts. Out climbed two rough looking men, both intent on Avery.

She glanced around, backed up. As she tried to run a scream for help was released from her lips. She was too slow. There was no one around in the parking lot to hear or offer any help. It was supposed to be secure. She kicked and clawed, but nothing could break the hold the two men had on her. 

Avery was thrown into the trunk. She tried to find a release from the inside. Her fingers just fumbled around in the dark, unable to find anything to open it. 

Unbreak Me (rewritten)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon