Chapter Twenty-one

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It was still Sunday. Oliver was in his office poring over files. A few business deals fell through and he didn't understand why or how. Mr Denner was also persistent in trying to get a raise in profits and stocks.

The only consolation Oliver had was that the clients he lost were small. Most of his major earners were loyal, but he even had some acquisitions and investments taken from under him. It was obvious he was being targeted.

He ran a hand through his dark hair and thought about who kept doing this. The only person he could think of was Jeremiah Adley. But he couldn't see how it would benefit him after the signing of the contract. He legally couldn't interfere with his business and by doing so it would reduce Jeremiah's own profits, but he couldn't be underestimated.

Mr Denner was another possibility. He was a greedy man, but there was no way he could do it by himself.

Oliver sighed and picked up his phone to make a call.

"Yo!" Sam's overly perky voice came through. "What can I do for you on this fine Sunday?"

"I need you to investigate the deals and investments being pulled before I could acquire them."

"Okay, just send me the required information and I'll get right to it," he said before his tone became mischievous. "Oh, how's that honey of yours doing by the way?"


"That she is." He laughed. "Anyway, I'm still building a file on Adley, the fire and everything else. The problem with the fire is just... those files have been restricted. The only information on the public record is what we already know." He was obviously becoming frustrated. "It's going to take some more time, but there's always a trail."

"Do what you can." Oliver was wondering if he gave him too much work. It was a shame there wasn't two of his annoying ass.

"Aye aye Mon Capitan!" Oliver rolled his eyes and hung up.

Sam was Oliver's oldest friend. They got each other through some rough times. Sam always had a penchant for finding secrets and information, he should have been a detective, but he didn't always take the legal route to find what he wanted.

Rushed footsteps made his head snap up and he heard a succinct knock on his office door.

"Come in."

The door opened to reveal Avery out of breath and in the process of slipping on her heels.

"There's been a PR problem at work. Something happened in one of our shipping warehouses," she rushed out. "Because it has to do with the project and you're now publicly tied with us, you might want to be prepared."

As if on cue, his phone rang. "Okay, I'll take you to the office on my way to mine," he said to her before answering his phone. Avery rushed away to grab her bag and laptop.


"Sir, Adley Corporations had an accident, we need to be on standby."

"I know, I'll meet you at the office and prepare the PR team. I'll need to meet with Adley Corporations later today."

Oliver changed and walked downstairs to see Avery wearing a cute frown as she tapped away on her phone. When she noticed his presence, she hoisted her bag onto her shoulder and they both left together.

They sat in the car and discussed what was going to happen. Clara was going to have to contact Avery to have more of an idea of what was going on.

"Did Adley organize security?" Oliver asked, he was assured it would be done, but then again, this was Adley.

"About that... I told him it wasn't necessary," she said while distracted with her eyes still glued to her phone.

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