Chapter Thirty-five

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The sound of a roaring fire, the groaning and snapping of wood was all she could hear. Worst of all were the screams, the feeling of suffocation. Each image crashed through her mind tearing at her emotions and sanity.

She remembered the look on her papa's face. Avery was sure he knew he wasn't going to be able to get out, he would have died trying to get her maman out.

Her feet moved on their own, she knew where she was going and was too angry to care about the usual dread the building brought about. 

Rage pumped through her veins. After everything she lived with and survived, she never felt such a white-hot fury. It was like all her suppressed rage and hatred finally burst through the cracking dam along with all the memories she tried so hard to hide.

Her heels clicked on the concrete. The walk didn't calm her at all. She made her way into the building receiving curious glances and concerned looks. The lift opened and as soon as she got close, she pushed through people and entered.

As soon as the metal parted, she stormed into the office she once loved as a girl.

She pushed the doors effectively startling Adley who was talking to the woman she was forced to call Mother.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Jeremiah roared and pushed himself out of his seat.

"You! You were the one who killed them!" Avery screamed. "How could you?! You were his brother!" Tears continued to stain her cheeks.

They both looked shocked but soon overcame it with smug indifference.

"You supposedly loved Maman! Why?! Why did you have to kill her?!"

"Avery, calm down." Marie huffed. "It happened so long ago."

"You knew?" she breathed out in disbelief; her eyes bore into her with profound disgust.

Her dark red lips formed a smirk. "Who do you think came up with the idea?"

"I don't believe this!" Avery laughed humorlessly. "I knew you were both vile human beings, but I never thought you would be capable of this!"

Jeremiah crossed the room. He was a little unsure as what to do with this woman who was always in a state of fear and intimidation, but his anger was doing the work for him.

"Stay the fuck away from me!" Avery warned.

He walked with purpose. "It was the best way to get out of deb-"

Avery slapped him. Hard. Her nails scratched his cheek and her hand stung from the impact.

"I don't care about your debt!"

Jeremiah looked shocked at being struck, but Marie just looked at her with a bored expression.

"Stop being dramatic. There's nothing you can do now." Marie spoke evenly. "No one will believe a word you say."

Avery glared at her, her teeth grinding together. "You're all just greedy bastards! I endured everything because of you! You degraded me, used me, beat me! Took my family and my home-"

"I'm glad we let them burn!" Jeremiah's anger reached its peak after listening to her. He laughed maniacally. "I wish I heard them scream! I was so sick of Joseph thinking he was better than us! And as for Camille, she was nothing but a whore!" he roared, red faced.

"They were better than you! You could never have been as successful in a million years!" Her voice cracked from the volume. "You're a selfish piece of shit. You use underhanded methods because you could never do it any other way! If you hadn't beaten me into submission, I would have been able to see you! You're nothing but a jealous, insecure little man!"

Jeremiah seemed to have enough of her insults. He raised his arm, ready to strike a powerful blow. For the first time, she didn't look away or cower in fear. She stood tall and stared at his fury filled eyes. Jeremiah faltered a moment under her stare. He brought his hand down but was stopped by a strong hand shooting out.

Avery turned to see an out of breath Oliver.

"You..." Jeremiah growled. "If it wasn't for you... you both!" He snatched his arm away. "You should have died in that damn fire!"

"I'm sorry to disappoint," she spat.

Multiple footsteps came through the doors. A man and woman in sharp suits with a group of police officers, who eyed the angry man, stepped into the room.

"Well, we don't have to ask many questions, I think we heard enough." The woman wore a tight smile.

"Mr Jeremiah Adley, you are under arrest for extortion, bribery, assault, child abuse, domestic violence, forced prostitution, false imprisonment, fraud, money laundering and first-degree murder." The man rattled off the Miranda rights. He instructed the officers to hand cuff him and brought him into custody.

"What?!" Jeremiah screamed and struggled. Oliver pulled Avery aside as they looked on. "You fuckers. It's all a set up! I've done nothing."

"Now, now, don't add resisting arrest to the already long list." The male detective spoke with an ounce of amusement. He always enjoyed watching the high and mighty squirm.

Marie looked on with pure shock and horror.

"Mrs Adley, you're under arrest for aiding and abetting, child abuse and first-degree murder." The female detective repeated the Miranda rights.

"What?" She blinked at them. "It wasn't me! It was all him, I swear!" Marie screamed at them before she caught sight of Russell. "Russell? Russell! Help me!" Marie shrieked.

Russell looked horrified that their hands were the ones that sealed his beloved Aunt and Uncles fate, but at this point could he really be surprised? 

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