Chapter Twelve

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Avery returned home, much to Russell's disdain. He wanted to keep her with him, to keep her safe from his so-called family. He was disgusted by them all and couldn't believe he was related to them. He felt it was his duty to look after Avery, since his uncle passed. He looked up to Joseph and always wanted to be like him growing up. He was glad he resembled his uncle more than he did his father.

But he felt like he was failing, like he had no control over the situation, because he didn't. Avery was stubborn when she wanted to be, and he couldn't understand why she would return to that place.

Avery had been sure to stay out of everyone's way since she returned. She would go to work, come home and only eat downstairs if necessary. Russell put a bolt on her door so she could at least sleep in peace without worrying about the other occupants.

Her nightmares were increasing, consequently her sleep was decreasing. She was exhausted.

The weather was miserable. Raining and storming, it was weather she liked when she was inside and not getting drenched from the downpour.

Avery stepped out and walked downstairs. She ate a piece of toast and drank a coffee. Gerard looked at her in disapproval. A piece of toast and a cup of coffee wasn't an appropriate breakfast, according to him. When she turned to leave, she nearly walked into Leah. She was steadily glaring at Avery. Avery merely side stepped and went around the tall woman.

"You know, you would never be able to satisfy a man. Especially not one like Oliver Black. You're too weak." Her words were like a knife and Leah knew she was twisting it. "He'll come running to me in no time." She smirked wickedly.

Since that night at the club, all the insults and horrible words hit her. It was usually like water off a duck's back, but it was getting harder and harder for her to ignore. The worst were the ones she believed, what she thought of herself.

Gripping the strap of her bag, she swallowed the lump in her throat and continued out of the house. She made it to work and sighed.

"Hey Avery," Aaron greeted.

She looked up from the file in her hands and gasped. "What the hell happened to you?" she asked with wide eyes.

He had a large black eye and a swollen cheek and jaw. His skin was stained a purple that was all too familiar to her.

"It's not as bad as it looks," he chuckled awkwardly.

"What happened?"

"I got jumped, I was stupid and took a shortcut when I walked home from work. It's all superficial." He sent a weak smile, "the one time my car was in the shop and I had to walk."

"What about the police?"

"I made a report but there's nothing they could do. I didn't get a clear look at the guy."

Avery nodded in understanding. "Well, as long as you're okay."

"I'll be fine, Avery." He smiled brightly. "I always am!"

Aaron passed over the files he came to drop off and said a quick goodbye. She was still wary of him; but couldn't help but be shocked by his injuries.

"Avery!" Jeremiah snapped through the intercom, startling her and forcing her to scurry into his office.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Get me the files on Core International Holdings," he ordered, "they're wanting to sell."

"Right away, Sir." She was about to leave when he spoke up again.

"The Blacks contacted me," Jeremiah spoke through gritted teeth. "They will be coming here to sign the contract at five pm. Clear my schedule for them."

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