Chapter Thirty-four

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Oliver admired Avery as she lay asleep in his arms. Her red hair draped over her shoulders and down her smooth back. The sheets conformed to her body and the dim morning light hit her fair complexion.

Oliver sighed.

He thought the night before was incredible. He never would have expected her to fall in love with him. He used to use women for a night and never call them again. Oliver didn't care for anything except his work, but she changed all that.

She's too good for me.

Even though he wholeheartedly believed that; he would never let her go.

His alarm blared, but he was quick to shut it off. He wasn't sure how he was going to handle being in the same room as Jeremiah, but for Avery, he had to keep his cool.

Oliver sighed heavily. He didn't want to leave the warm bed or the incredible woman in it. He pushed the blankets back and swung his legs out. He made sure Avery was tucked in before heading to the bathroom.

Avery sat up with a wince, just as Oliver was coming out of the walk-in wardrobe. He felt a little bad about the pain and cursed himself for going for that second round. She didn't complain at the time, though. They didn't part until the early hours of the morning. Both became vigorous and insatiable. 

She sat sleepily, holding the blankets to her chest as she moved to the edge of the bed.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked tying his tie.

Her grey eyes looked blank and she blinked the sleep away. "Work."

Avery stood up but sat back down with a blush. Clearly, she wasn't used to the previous night's exercise. He suppressed the urge to chuckle and sat down next to her.

"You can have the day off today. You weren't even supposed to be working for another few days." Avery opened her mouth to speak but was cut off before she could argue. "Rest." He looked at her sternly. "Sam will be there to help me work anyway." She acquiesced and figured she could use another hours sleep and just go to the office later and have a handover from the temporary assistant. "I have to go. It's still early, you should get some more rest," he said. "I love you." Oliver pecked her lips and got up.

"I love you too." He smiled as her voice followed him out.


"Well, aren't you glowing?" Sam grinned. "Someone get laid or what?" Oliver punched his shoulder. "Please tell me it was Avery." He frowned and rubbed his shoulder.

Oliver glared at him, but Sam just shrugged. He knew Oliver wouldn't cheat, he knew by the look on his face it was Avery, but Sam just couldn't help himself.

"You did have a habit before. Who knows? You could have snapped from the lack of sex."

"Just get down to business, Sam." Oliver sighed.

"Fine," he groaned. "I have all the files for the project and the meeting starts in half an hour. The team has been briefed and will arrive in twenty minutes."

Oliver nodded and completed checking his emails and following up. "Sam?"

"Mmm?" He shoved a cookie in his mouth.

"What about the information you had for me."

Sam swallowed his food in one gulp. "I'll tell you after the meeting."


He nodded. "It's bad."

Oliver quelled his dread and curiosity and began working on papers that were waiting for him to sign off on. Twenty minutes passed and he stood to leave so he could meet the team in the conference room.

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