Chapter Thirty-two

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Oliver realized there was something wrong with Avery. She was avoiding looking him in the eye, she would blush at random and even avoid him completely. She barely spoke to him.

He was starting to get frustrated and tried to think of what could have possibly been wrong, if he did something. They went to Fiji to relax, but that wasn't happening. He blamed his sister for that.

Erica and Tom stuck around so he couldn't find the right time to talk to her.

Erica and Tom sat by the pool. Erica was smiling and happy while Tom was cracking lame jokes. There was no real resolution.

Last time they fought Erica came to Oliver a sobbing wreck. This time she didn't tell a soul where she was going. Vivienne rang Oliver to see if he heard from her. Tom didn't even realize she was gone until he rang him, he was off working somewhere, as usual.

Oliver rang him and told him to get his ass there before he convinced Erica to file for divorce. Tom swore until he was blue in the face that he wasn't cheating or doing anything behind Erica's back. Oliver remained suspicious.

He scanned the area and wondered where Avery was. She didn't show any interest in swimming since Tom was there, for obvious reasons. He already noticed a few of the bruises around her neck and was tempted to ask about them.

Oliver sighed and took a sip of beer.

"Where's Avery?" Tom sat beside him.

"I don't know."

"Trouble in paradise?" He nudged Oliver and cocked a brow.

"Tom, worry about your own paradise first." Oliver stood from his seat.

"Sorry, man." Tom raised his hands in surrender. "And thanks for calling me."

"I swear Tom, if I see my little sister cry like that one more time, I'll make sure you're in the hospital for a month." Tom gulped and nodded his head. "And don't forget about our dad."

Oliver walked through the house and found Avery asleep on their bed. He smiled as he saw her hair fanned out behind her and over the pillows as she lay on her side. He climbed in behind her, feeling her flinch when he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"It's just me," he whispered, "go back to sleep." He planted a kiss on her shoulder.

Avery hummed and settled in his arms before she slipped back into a deep sleep. Oliver didn't sleep, he just enjoyed having her in his arms. Avery was putting on weight, much to his relief. She looked healthier. She did seem to get headaches and become tired easily, but the doctors said that was her body healing and adjusting to the new lifestyle of no longer having to be alert all the time. There did seem to be some damage to her brain that caused the headaches, though. There wouldn't be anything they could do about it. 

Just the thought of what she went through made him angry. He knew if he saw Jeremiah or even his daughter and wife, he would be the one who ended up in jail instead. They were lucky Sam stopped Oliver from becoming a homicidal maniac.

His phone rang in his pocket, causing Avery to jump awake.

"Sorry," he whispered. He sat up and fished his phone out of his pocket and saw Sam's name show up on the screen. "What?"

"Adley is calling a meeting," Sam stated.

"Why?" Oliver spoke through gritted teeth.

"He wants to go over the project. He's acting like everything's fine and dandy." He sighed. "I also have important information to tell you when you get back."

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