💢Chapter 38💢

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Chapter 38


Dara's eyes met with Funsho's after she woke up. "How long have you been awake?" She asked, "About thirty minutes or so" "How are you holding up?" She asked and Funsho exhaled.

"I'll be fine, I'm more worried about you, your temperature is kind of high" he placed a hand on her neck again, "When last did you treat Malaria?" He asked and she exhaled.

What was bothering her was way past Malaria, it's called the fear of being at gun point! She can't tell him can she?

"It's been a while sha. I'll get drugs and.."

Funsho laughed, "What did you just say? You'll what? Sweetheart, get a test done first" "You know I can just buy drugs and have it cured" "It's Important to take a test first" he advised and she chuckled.

"Yes doctor" she replied and he laughed. "Any development from Chief?"  "As at when i asked, nothing." He answered and she hissed.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I'm just worried about a lot of things. I have a lot in mind and I can't even begin to explain it. I could use a distraction now!" She groaned moving her lips close to his, "I don't know if this is a sensitive move with Chief in coma but I've really missed your lips" "Same here" he replied pulling her close to her then he kissed her lips.

"Your lips are the perfect distraction." He confessed and she chuckled leaning on his chest. "I've got questions dear, how many siblings does you father have?"

"Nineteen, Tiwa's the last. Dad's the first son of the family" "What's the relationship between your Dad and Tiwa, are they close, from your observation?"

"They're very close, Dad doesn't joke with her"

"And there's nothing your dad will do to make her angry?"

Funsho shrugged then he chuckled, "I don't know. Why are you asking?" "I'm just curious that's all. How do you guys cope knowing you have step sisters and brothers?"  "As time goes, you get used to it. Any other question?" He asked and she laughed.

"Yes. How did you get to see me on Valentine's day to pay my bills? I didn't even notice you"

"Well... You had a red gown on, and did you look great. I was distracted, angry and jealous that night. You kept on laughing to Efe's joke and it made me angry. I'm not ashamed to say I was damn jealous"

"Awwwn, that's sweet" she commented and they both laughed.
"I had just finished having an argument with OmoToyosi, I didn't feel like waiting till the end of the date any longer so I went over to the counter to pay then I heard your boyfriend talking to Kelly, she's a waitress at the restaurant. I wanted to pay my own bills, then I realized your boyfriend had issues paying his and I knew automatically you were going to have issues too so I decided to settle it. I didn't want you to end up washing dishes" he explained and she busted out laughing. "I would have paid! What do you take me for?" She asked and they both laughed again.

"No wonder I had a leading to pay for your ride that day! It makes sense now!"

"I believe we were meant to be" He replied and Dara agreed, "Do you drive?" Funsho asked  and Dara nodded, "I have a driver's license but I haven't driven in a while. I'm always scared especially when I'm trying to overtake a car or make some crazy turns. Why did you ask?"

"Any more questions?"  He asked avoiding the question and she gave a nod.  "How many sexual partners have you had?" Shee asked and he kept mute.

"I make no comments on that"

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