💢 Chapter 49💢

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Chapter  49


Happy Sunday!!!!!

PS: It's Double update Sunday!  Will be posting the rest after church service. I have a very low battery.

....... Take note, there'll be a little unavoidable smut scene below, a little sha 😉

Winny sobbed in a room and Dunni entered. "I can't believe this. Why will he?" "Your father has always been selfish. I'm sorry you had to see that"

"I'm ashamed of the fact he's my father. Why is everything bad happening to me? Now I have a father who's going to prison, I'm a pregnant teenager"

"And your mother is pregnant and  dating a younger guy" she added and Winny leaned on her shoulder. "If Dad can be capable of this, I wonder what horrible things he has done that no one has any idea about.

"Everything is going to be fine"

"Dad is in prison, not like he doesn't deserve it but how will I tell my son that his grandpa is in prison?" "Awwn, you just said son"

"I want a boy, like the father. I don't want someone like me!" She answered and Dunni chuckled. "Whatever happens, we'll do it together"

Kevin entered into room and they both turned back at him so he walked out. "Come back here Kevin" Dunni called out and he walked back in. "I'll leave you two alone" she smiled leaving and Kevin walked up to her.

"Hey!" She waved at him, "My name is Winner, you can call me Winny" "Aunty Winny, you're older than me"

"Awwwn, that's sweet. Kelvin, You're supposed to tell me your name"

"But you just said my name" he creased his brow in confusion and Winny laughed. "Even though, you're supposed to .. it helps to start conversations"

"I'm Kelvin"

"You're cute, you know that?" "Thank you"

"Don't pay attention to what Daddy said when he said he doesn't care about you. Don't let it get to you, it was mean and he shouldn't have said it" 

"Pamilerin said you're having a baby"

"How did he find out?"

"When you people talk, you think children don't listen but we do"  "Will that make me your baby's Uncle?" He asked and she smiled. "Yes"

Derin groaned in pain and Ruby knelt before her, "Are you okay?" "I need rest, I need to be taken home" "What you need is hospital care" Chief said from behind and Ruby left them alone.

"Ruby will take you to the hospital"

"No. I just want to go home and rest"

"I have many rooms"

"My house Chief"

"I insist"

"And I also insist" "You can be sturbborn" "Not as sturbborn as you are" she snapped playfully and he chuckled. "I'm sorry you had to suffer for my sake"

"I'll take the bullet any day for you Chief" she confessed and he sighed feeling uncomfortable cause he knew topics like this are usually accompanied by her love confession.


"It's okay Chief, I understand you. You have a lovely family and I wished to become a part of it but I give up. I know you can never love me," "I care about you"

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