💢 Chapter 1💢

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Note: The setting of this book is mainly in Lagos in a perfect 2020 calendar. No Corona virus abeg🤧😂

Dara woke up on a Saturday morning then she stretched her hands yawning loudly in bed

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Dara woke up on a Saturday morning then she stretched her hands yawning loudly in bed. "Thank you Jesus" she said unconsciously. It was usually a habit for her to say those words after waking up, especially after yawning.  "It's another day and I can't be more grateful." She muttered picking up her devotional for the morning then she flipped through the day's topic;

24th, January 2020.

Believe in God's plan for you-

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jer. 29:11

After reading it, Dara knelt down on the floor, she pulled her devotional and bible close then she balanced both hands on the bed.

"Thank you Jesus, thank you Lord for a day like this cause it's a day you have made. I bless you cause you're the author and finisher of my faith, you made all things and God you said it was perfect." She paused letting out a frustrated sigh.

"But then if you made everything perfect? Why didn't I come in a nice shape? Why do I look like a filed ruler?" She began to lament. "I want to be able to rock jumpsuits, walk on the street and people turn heads. It would have been nice oh" she sighed again now having a mental picture of it.

"God the way I would have been walking in slow motion on the street ehn" she sighed again now snapping herself back to reality.

"Your word this morning says believe in God's purpose for your life. What can be your purpose in my life? I mean God i'm thirty three and ten months old and nothing is happening? I'm still very much single and yes I know the reason why, because i don't I don't have right shape. It's like the rest of my shape got stucked in the womb and Stella took it. Are you sure it's not because they buried my placenta very deep? I mean who knows what might be the cause" she murmured again then she exhaled for the last time looking up to her ceiling.

"God I know I'm not supposed to murmur like the people of Israel did but I'm tired. I'm speaking to you as you faithful daughter, I'm tired of being thin. It's not like I want to be fat, I don't want that kind of Chigurl's fatness I want the Mercy Johnson shape, Nadia Buhari, Yvonne Nelson you're the omniscient God, you know those shapes now. I don't mean to be ungrateful but if you can just give me that shape i want, that full hour glass shape.  Can't you just make it possible? Have mercy Lord."

"This is a story about one skinny girl" Dara said out loud looking into the mirror that hung on the wall of her bedroom. She had a blue singlet and a black bum short. "God Dara, why are you so thin?" She asked herself again then she let out her frustration in a  sigh. "It's the weekends, try to smile and make the best of it. So what if you're thin?" She added. She was beginning to dive into her morning inspirational moment- something she does to boost her dying ego.

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