💢Chapter 11💢

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Chapter 11

Dunni woke up the following morning in bed, she felt a bed sheet over her.  It obviously wasn't her bed sheet and it didn't smell like her room, not like it smelled horrible, it was just different.

She jerked up now taking full cognizance of the room, her eyes roamed from the curtains already folded to let in more light to the windo blinds then the home theaters in the room, to the one seater sofa just sitting at the corner of the bed, she noticed her hand bag was on it.

It wasn't difficult to tell it was a self contained apartment from the settings, a very spacious self con.
It definitely had to be Timmy's! She thought to herself, the room was undeniably clean, it smelled good too! Not bad for a guy! She comments within.

Suddenly she began to wonder how she got there, she hope she didn't do anything stupid like sleeping with him, she took a quick glance at what she wore, it was still the navy blue gown from the previous day so she sighed in relief.

Suddenly she heard clanking sounds from a room like the sound of a spoon hitting the floor. Timmy stepped out of the kitchen in a white singlet and a three quarters jean. He was holding a tray containing fried egg sauce and fried potatoes, alongside a cup of black coffee.

"See who's awake. Good morning" he said and Dunni nodded, "Good morning" she responded, inaudibly.
"How are you feeling this morning?" He asked placing the tray on the bed now sitting on the bed.


"That's totally normal for hangovers"

"Should I get you pain relievers?"

"I've got some in my bag" she answered and he pulled the bag close passing it to her. She removed a white container from her bag.
Timmy got her a cup of water so she took the drugs. "How did I get here?" "I brought you here, I couldn't leave you at the diner. You don't remember do you?"

"Remember what?" She asked and he chuckled shaking his head. "Come on tell me, the memories are kind of sketchy. Did anything happen between us?" She asked and he shook his head.

"No! Not that, we both went back to the bar, we got the car and I drove you down here. You were already asleep so I carried you and..... The rest is history"

"I'm sorry for stressing you out"

"It was nothing at all"

"Thank you" She appreciated, "Thank you so so much, I mean, you barely know me. You didn't even take advantage of me like some men would"

"Only insensitive idiots would do that"

"Where did you sleep in?" She asked looking around and he laughed, "Does it matter?"

"On the floor? I feel bad"

"It's fine. I didn't know how you liked your potatoes, I just decided to fry it, everyone loves fried potatoes" he answered and they both looked at the dish before them.

"I prefer it boiled, just like I prefer fried Irish potatoes"


"It looks beautiful, it must taste the same"

"Be the judge of it"

She picked up a fork then began eating the food, "Hmm" she nodded her head in approval. "It tastes great"  "It's just fried eggs oh"

"Have you tasted my friend eggs?" She asked and he chuckled. "You can't be that bad" "I'm a horrible cook! Who knew fried eggs could taste this exquisite?"

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