💢Epilogue 💢

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"I thought you were going to work towards getting me that appeal? I can't rot in prison"

"That's what I've been busting my ass trying to do. You stepped on the wrong toes Thomas, everyone's determined to make sure you grow old and die in prison"

Thomas slammed his hands on the table, "What about what I asked for?" He asked and the lawyer exhaled, "Your daughter is fine, she has given birth"

"Did the baby survive?"

The man raised his brow at him, "Aren't you supposed to ask if she's okay?" "If there were any complication, I'm sure you would have mentioned it"

"The baby survived and It's a boy, a beautiful baby boy. How did I know? I paid her and her husband a visit and she sent her greetings. She's a strong woman"

"Girl, she's just a girl."

"Thomas, I think you might have to find another lawyer cause I'm tired of this! You've been in prison for months and you're still the same obnoxious son of a bitch you've always been. Will it kill you to change? She's your daughter whether you like it or not and he's your freaking grand son! What did you expect huh? You expected him to die? He didn't, he survived!"

"When you're done preaching, take your leave and find a way to get me out of this hell home"

"You know what Thomas? I'm done! Why don't you find another brother to clean your ass cause I'm done with this! I'm done with you! Yes, you paid my tuition fees and all but you know the difference between you and I? I was satisfied being the son of a fish seller but you weren't!" He snapped leaving then he returned back,  "Guess what? Dunni also had her twins the same day and no she's not dead, neither are the boys dead, they're all damn alright! You can hit your head or punch your fist on the wall all you want, it doesn't change the fact they're all happy and you're not!" He snapped leaving and Thomas shut his eyes, as much as he fought the tears, it found it's way down his cheeks.

January 2021

Chris entered into the room to find her typing on the laptop in bed. He entered with a customer bag, "How's my pregnant wife doing?" She asked and Brenda smiled.

"Good evening Baby, we're both fine"  she answered taking her eyes off the screen of the laptop.

"Are you still having the cravings for Afang soup and it has changed to egg soup? Cause I brought Afang soup"

"The last one didn't taste so good"

Chris sat in bed dropping the nylon on the bed and she dragged it near. "I got this one directly for your Mom, remember I told you that I had something for her" "I remember. Thank you"

"You're welcome. She told me to come over, she needed me to drop some clothes she bought for Kevin, it's in the car. She wants Kevin to spend another holiday with her"

"Holidays are over and the house is far away from his new school."

Kevin entered then he rushed to hug him, "Daddy welcome, when did you come back?" "Not too long, how are you little champ?" "I'm fine" "I hope you took care of Mom?" "She has been typing all day!"

"Sweetheart, Mommy needs to blow and pay bills too"

"Who's asking you to pay bills" Chris asked and she chuckled. "Daddy come and play games with me, I'll win you this time" "Is that a challenge?"

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