💢Chapter 27💢

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Chapter 27


Mrs Igwe opened the door to see her daughter in tears, her heart raced in fear, in matter of seconds more  than ten horrible things that could have happened flashed through her mind. "Jesus Madara, nsi do? (What happened?" She asked and Dara hugged her.

Mr Igwe paced left and right in his room, "I said it! I said it from the very moment I saw that man walk into this house! What's internet job? I knew he was fake! Look at what he has caused my poor Isabelle"

Mrs Igwe knelt down looking up at the ceiling, "God hasn't she suffered enough? How long will she keep on going through these disappointments?" "Don't even disturb God my dear, on the contrary, we should be thanking him for answering our prayers. I'd rather have my daughter single than fall into wrong hands!"

Funsho waited for an update on Dara's you tube page, anything to see her face but there was nothing. "What's going on Dara?" He asked picking up his phone then he finally dialed her number but she didn't pick up his calls. 

Stella sat on her bed and Brenda joined her, "Dara hates me" "Dara doesn't hate you, she doesn't even have that strength to gate anyone. By tomorrow, everything will be okay. We'll apologize and it'll be fine" she assured and Stella cried.

"I don't think I can stay in this room any longer, it reminds me of that idiot! I'm just so irritated"

Brenda pulled Stella's head to her shoulder. "He's not worth your tears, sis, he's not"

The following morning

Dunni gasped out of a nightmare and Timmy held her close. "Are you okay? What happened?" "It was a nightmare" "You've never had nightmares" "Cause I haven't had one in a long time"

"As a son of a Pastor, I'm interested in knowing what it's all about? Who was chasing you?"

"No one. Just.... After I had Winny, two years later I got pregnant again and I lost it" "How?" "I found out I was pregnant the day I lost the pregnancy"

"I'm sorry"

"My drinking habits made me lose it and I've always felt guilty for it but sometimes I think maybe it was for the best.

"Why didn't it make you stop drinking?"

"Thomas has always been my problem, he made me feel less human, less deserving of any good thing. Winny listens to him all the time, that's why when she was asked to pick sides she chose him."

Efe stood by the door and Mrs Igwe opened up. "Good morning Ma" he greeted and Mrs Igwe managed to out on a smile. "My husband is about to leave for work so I'm going to pretend like I didn't see you and I'm not going to let him know you're here so if you know what's good for you, you'll leave before he shows up"

"I just want to apologize to Dara"

"She doesn't want to see you Efe"

"It's something we can work out"

"Can you listen to yourself? You were paid by God knows who to....  How can you work it out? See, I don't even want to start expressing my anger. Please respect the fact that I'm trying to be mature here and leave. Please"

Funsho entered into a room giving Oise eye signal to know if Dara was around but he shook his head. "Why?" He mouthed and Oise shrugged moving close to him.  "Morning Boss, I don't know why? I tried calling her but she didn't pick up neither did she return the calls"

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