💢Chapter 34💢

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Chapter 34


Brenda sat in the living room with her legs on the center table watching an American movies while munching on cheese ball. She rubbed her fingers against the neck chain Chris bought her.

Flashes of her Valentine's day came running and she felt tears building.

"That's the look I try to avoid. I didn't even want you to know. If it was possible to hide this from you, I will. I just don't want to start a relationship with lies. I like you Brenda, like really really like you. I think there's hope for us becoming more than this"

That was a perfect chance to confess to him but she didn't. For crying out loud, he didn't want to start a relationship with lies unknown to him she was lying all this while!

"I'm pathetic without you Chris Holland" she muttered in tears then her mother walked in afterwards so she quickly cleaned it. The last thing she wanted was anyone pitying her!

"Aren't you going out?" "Out to where? Mom, I don't feel like seeing how the sky looks like today. I'm comfortable being in the comfort of the four corners of this room."

Her mother pointed at the cheese balls, "Is that Kelvin's cheese ball?" She asked and Brenda pouted, "I just said I should eat small" she replied and Mrs Igwe stared at the three empty packs on the floor.

"I'll replace the packet. I'm just heart broken"

"This isn't healthy"

"I know right?" She looked at the cheese balls in her hand, "But if after giving birth to Kelvin and I still look tis sexy, I don't think there's anything that can make me fat!"

Mrs Igwe shook her head, "That wasn't what I meant. Get your legs off the table!" She chastised and Brenda did. "I meant, your staying indoors, your sobbing will not help matters" "Mommy what do you want me to do. I've paid him a visit, I've left him more than hundreds of messages" she exaggerated.

"You're not going to slap yourself for that lie?" Her mother asked and she rolled her eyes laughing. "Mom I've...." She heaved a heavy sigh as tears rolled her eyes.

"I've done everything womanly possible! I call him every now and then. See," she picked up her phone dialing Chris's number but he didn't pick up. "See! The guy is practically ignoring me and I'm giving him space! He's angry and I don't blame him, when I see him, I get overwhelmed with shame. All my lies will just come flooding and shame will just bathe me!"

"That's very good for you! I'm happy you're beginning to feel shame"

Brenda whined, "Mommy, you're supposed to be supportive" "And I'm being supportive, I've been warning you about your lies. But I feel bad for you cause I know you really liked the guy and he seemed like a good person"

"He's a good person. My sisters are having good relationship life and I'm the only pathetic one"

Her mother busted into laughter, "That's funny" "Even Ruby has Dozie" "Maybe you shouldn't give him a break then" "What? The guy is acting like seeing my face makes his stomach churn"

"Sometimes you don't have to give men that breathing space they demand for" her mother advised and she raised her brow in confusion. "I don't understand"

"Do you still remember our love story? Your father and I?" She asked and Brenda smiled. "Yes." "Remember we met and started dating in Enugu during my service right? There were times we would fight and there were times I would feel like just staying a week without seeing him because of how difficult he can be. You stay three days amd the next, you'll see all the ex girlfriends trooping in"

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