💢Chapter 19💢

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Chapter 19

The following morning

A female nurse walked into the hospital ward where Lanre was. She stood by the door watching him sleep in bed with bandages on his arm and a few plaster on his face. Then she glanced at Dara whose head was leaned against the bed praying loudly.

After Dara had finished praying, she walked in moving to where he was. "This one is still asleep" she commented and Dara smiled.

"Good morning nurse" Dara greeted, "Good morning, sorry about your husband"

"Lanre is not my husband, he's my choir director and best friend.".

"Naim you spend the night for?"

"He would have done the same for me" she answered and the nurse shrugged, "I just wanted to check if the patient is awake"

"I'll call you whenever he wakes"

"No wahala now" the nurse replied  walking out of the room and Dara held Lanre's hand. "You'll be fine"  she promised and he smiled.

"I know" Lanre muttered and Dara exhaled in relief, "Thank you Jesus! The nurse just left. Let me go and call the nurse" 

"Not yet"


"I don't feel like answering routine check up question" he replied and Dara laughed. "You're not serious, you need to be checked out, last night you gave us quite a scare"

"Us? How did you get to me sef? Were the neighbors the ones that rushed me here?"

"Neighbors kor! I knew something was wrong last night after the call so I called Dad and he drove to your house but they said you haven't arrived so we took to the street. We called your number and it rang. That was how we found you lying behind a car bleeding from your nose and mouth."

"I hope no one on the street noticed"

"Well, after I raised alarm, some people came out"

Lanre groaned, "They'll definitely be talking about me now. I can't imagine!" "Is that what your worried about now?  Those guys broke your ribs and arm"

"I can feel the pain all over, you don't have to say it" he groaned again and Dara felt for for him even more.

"I'm sorry. What really happened?"

"Nothing much, three guys cornered me, they wanted to steal from me" he lied as a cover up,  he didn't want to start pointing accusing fingers at anyone.

"Dad checked your pocket, they didn't take your wallet. He  said the attack was intentional and I agree cause I clearly heard someone talking about you stealing someone's wife on phone. Is that true"

"No! You know me now, I'll never do something as stupid as that .... I have never in my life made advances on someone's wife and I'll never do!"

"What happened then?"

"They said they wanted to teach me a lesson"


"I don't know, he probably sent them"


"Stella's boyfriend" he answered and Dara tightened her fist. "Are you sure?" "They didn't mention his name but it had to be him"

"I'll call Stella"

"Don't! I don't want her seeing me this way and I don't want her to know. She won't believe me, we'll only argue and fight again, you know how your sister can be"  "She needs to know she's dating an animal! Andy has always been an asshole but this one..... This is too much" She answered and Lanre shrugged, the movement of his shoulders made him squeeze his face in pain then he laughed.

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