Peanut butter

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Evie's POV
I silently make my into the kitchen eyeing Lucus's sitting on the counter with Juniper standing between his legs holding his hands that were wrapped around her waist. I faintly smiled at Lucus when he caught my eye.

Next, I see Liam looking longingly at Juniper and Lucus. I gave a questioning look when I made eye contact with him but he just shakes his head sadly. I realized he was trying to tell me he would tell me later about it. I nod my head the tiniest bit showing I understood.

I finally made my way to Asper wrapping my arms around him from behind leaning my head against his shoulders.

Liam's POV
I watched as Juniper and Lucus hold each other as if they were the only ones in the world that existed. To see the love in their eyes left a hole in my chest. A reminder of the love I lost.

I got distracted by Evie lightly walking into the kitchen. How she walks so quietly I wouldn't know. She doesn't have the leanest shape but she isn't bulky. Maybe it's the fact she has control over air. She basically walks on air making it impossible to hear her walk in a room.

Evie looks and smiles a little at the new mates by the counter before catching my eye. She scrunches her eyebrows in question. I shake my head hoping she would understand. I sigh in relief when she nods making her way over to Asper wrapping her now somewhat toned arms from the training with Helen that were now covered by Asper's big sweatshirt around his lean waist.

I felt a little out of place without someone to hold so I move to sit down on a barstool to hide my clenched hands. Stomach twisting from trying to keep my memories of him out of my mind.

It was a big relief when I told Evie about me being gay. To tell someone finally let some of the weight off my chest. I haven't even told Asper about it, afraid of what he'd say. Part of me knows he wouldn't care about who I love, but that still doesn't calm my nerves.

Once Evie eats her two packs of ramen she now sits on the counter munching on peanut butter and a big glass of milk beside her.

"So why weren't you at school?" She pauses mid lick at Asper's voice. She swallowed before taking a sip of her milk running her tongue along her lips clearing her mouth of the thick sticky substance.

"Apparently my mom called the school office telling them I had enough credits to graduate high school. So I uh left?" The last part came out more of a question than a statement.

I raise an eyebrow. "So you just left without telling any of us? We texted you but you didn't answer back." The rest of the group nodded.

Evie looks down with a guilty look on her face. Fiddling with her peanut butter covered spoon. "Yeah sorry about that part. I kinda lost track of time while I was painting."

To Evie's luck, Lucus questioned. "You said your mom called in right?" Ev nods while shrugging. "I've been wondering why.-" she jumps at the sudden door slamming shut. But further tensed when a frustrated looking man comes walking in. Her father, I remember him threatening me and the guys when we left for the beach. "Dad?" Evie asked.

Her dad freezes when he finally looked up and saw the number of people occupying his kitchen. "Oh hey, sweetheart I didn't know we had people over." He looked at Asper with a glare who had a hand on Evie's thigh.

Evie faintly smiles with her eyebrows scrunched together. Something she does often when confused. "What's got your panties in a twist?"

Clarke, Evie's dad's shoulders tensed like a wooden board. "Bad day at work I'll go take a nap to ware it off." He plays off shrugging before swiftly turning down the hallway.

I turn back to Evie to see her eyes unfocused a blank look on her face. "Ev?" Asper's soft voice filtered through the air with a soft caress.

Evie POV
I'm so done being confused. I'm done having thousands of questions with no answers but the thought of moving and doing anything besides sitting on the counter zoning out made a heavy gloom take over. "Ev?" The worry in Asper's voice stabbed my heart. I looked up at his once bright blue eyes now dulled by worry. I hurt to know I caused him pain.'

I picked up my spoon again digging it into the jar once more. A sad pout on my lips. I decided then and there I was going to bury my emotions. They were too much to handle right now. I imagined grabbing all the hurt all the dread and all the frustration balling it tightly forming a small ball the size of a baseball. And I threw it.

I felt free. It was as if I was a floating balloon in the sky endless blue hues around me. Fluffy clouds getting closer and the ground getting father. I should be scared. Scared of the height but what I felt was the free breeze of emptiness.

If I even felt a sliver of anything crawl up my spine I stomped it down focusing on my breathing. Once I open my eyes I noticed a shocked look on everyone's faces staring at me like I just shit bricks on the counter.

"D-did your ears just glow?" There was such confusion in Liam's voice I almost laughed but what he said stopped me.

I reached up to touch my ears and was shocked to feel how hot they were. I hopped off the counter to run to the mirror hanging by the door to see that in fact my ears were glowing a bright silver now slowly fading away. I stood there for who knows how long shocked before snorting and falling to the ground in a fit of giggles.

I couldn't stop laughing. Laughing at the fact that my life has literally turned into a cliche fantasy coming of age movie. When I calmed down I rolled over to see Asper with a concerned smile and Lucus with a knowing look. Liam on the other hand was recovering from his own laughter.

"Feeling better you hyenas?" Juniper spoke up. "Maybe." "Definitely." Me and Liam answered at the same time. When I met eyes with Liam I couldn't stop the snort escape me again. Which caused him to fall on the floor with me basically bruising our lungs from laughter.

It's times like these that help me make it through the hard obstacles in life. Just knowing I'll feel this joy again makes it worth it.

For however short it last

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