Fire can kiss my ass

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Evie POV
Lucus told me all about Juniper. He told me how her eyes remind him of the brightest forest leaves. How her lips were so full they almost swallowed his. I laughed at that part imagining it. She fit him perfectly. He was so happy he couldn't stop smiling ear to ear. I couldn't help but smile at my best friend. I felt so proud of him for finally finding happiness.

Even though Liam laughed a few times his smile dropped into a heartbreaking expression when he thought no one was looking. I wondered why he got so sad when the topic of mates came up. Does he have a mate? Or did he have a mate? If he did what happened to them?

The thought brought down my mood but I didn't show it. My head was little messy right now. With my happiness for Lucus, my worry for Liam and the anger from Asper. I don't know if it was his anger coming through to me from the mate bond or it's my own frustration with him.

I got so lost in thought I didn't realize we reached a small clearing that had a small stream running in the middle of it. Helen was standing on the other side of the stream giving a hard glare. Geez who stuck a stick up her ass.

Birds chirped all around us making it almost sound as if we entered a fairytale.

I look over to Liam to mention something but stop when I see his eyes fogged over.

On the day I first went to the pack house Asper explained few of the special abilities werewolves have. One of them being mind linking other people in the pack. I noticed when they did it there eyes grew unfocused almost fogged over.

Suddenly Liam turns around to run back where we came from. Ookay?

I turn back to Helen and she's pointing to a part of the stream I didn't even notice. There was three little bridges going across the small river spaced out. She was pointing to the middle one. What confused me was the fact that they didn't look natural. The water still rushed under the bridges but they were made out of solid rock. Nature couldn't have made them but they looked as if they were molded from the earth itself. Weird but ok.

"Sit." Is all she says. I make my way over to the bridge meanwhile Lucus goes somewhere behind to me to sit and watch. I settle down on the rock crossing my legs laying my hands in my lap.

"Now close your eyes and focus." I hear Helen ask from behind me. I close my eyes but don't know what to do next. "Um focus on what?" I ask. "Sh." Is all I get back.

I huff and try to focus. I focus on the solid rock beneath me and the air ruffling my hair blowing across my cheek. The heat from the sun burning my cheeks to feel the cool little droplets from the river splashes on my bare lower back.

"What do you see." Helen asked. I didn't understand what she was asking since my eyes are closed but then I realized that even with my eyes closed I could see everything.

I large smile cracks my lips. "Your standing to my left I think and Lucus is." I pause trying make sure I'm sensing it right. "Lucus are you in a tree?"

I hear his familiar chuckle from somewhere up high. I open my eyes but close them fast from the bright light burning my eyes. I slowly open them again to adjust them. I turn to see Lucus sitting up high on the thick tree branch at least 20 feet in the air. I shake my head and laugh lightly.

The rest of the training goes somewhat smoothly. Apparently I can control all the elements. Air was easy along with water but earth was stubborn to be controlled but luckily I'm just as stubborn. Fire was impossible. I could barely warm my hand let alone start an actual fire. By the end of the session I learned to lift little pebbles and began to chuck at Lucus for target practice. To say he wasn't happy was an understatement. I moved water into a large droplet floating in the air and also lifted Lucus off the ground with air and maybe or maybe not purposely lost control and dropped him on his ass.  

Later on Lucus left grumbling about getting some ice for the huge bruise on his plumb butt. Currently me and Helen are sitting on the grass  while she was telling me tips on feeling the heat around me and to fill my veins with it to heat my body.

When I couldn't feel anything besides my butt going numb I took a break to ask her some of the questions that have been roaming my mind.

"So how do you know all these trick or tips about all this?"

Helen looks away to somewhere behind me not really focusing almost as if she's remembering something. "I can control earth and fire and it's rare for witches to have at least one of the elements but I have two. That made me a target for the people who want to take it." She pauses for me to catch up with what's she saying.

"If having even one element is rare than why can I control four. Are there more than the basic four?"

"I wouldn't say there's more but theres more advance things you can learn for each one. Since barley anyone gets these gifts they often spend there whole life to learn new things and try new ways to manipulate there elements. Kind of like how someone can freeze water or mix earth and fire at just the right temperature to make lava. I heard once that a witch once learned to fly with her wind."

I nod. I'm definitely going to try to fly. I add to my mental bucket list of stuff I need to do but will probably never get around to.

"Earlier did you say people can take our gifts away?" I whisper. Helen nods her head solemnly. A grave look in her eyes.

"There are men who are jealous of those who can manipulate the elements. A group of warlocks who call themselves the scavengers a few decades back band together and learned the ancient craft of the oldest witch known as Ríona. Her practice was long forgotten many have tried to find her old grimoire but no one could, up until the scavengers. Once they found out how take other witches powers they soon ran into a problem. The gifts they took would not transfer into there offsprings. No matter how hard they tried they couldn't find a way so they rounded up anyone they could find who had to slightest power of any of the basic four. That's why it's so rare."

I breath a heavy sigh running a hand through my hair then running it down my face. "I'm guessing to take the gifts away you have to kill them?" I ask gravely after a few silent minutes.

Helen nods her head. "Evie you need to be carful your now the biggest target for those who are hungry for power." She pauses before whispering.

"Your own mother is one of them."

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