Girl power

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Evie's POV
I was feeling kind of confident today probably since it's Friday and I'm always happy on Fridays or maybe I'm excited to see a certain someone.

I pull out my high waisted black shorts with my ash colored hoodie crop top and I put my hair in a half up half down hair dew with the top part going into a bun.

I was going to put on a tank top under just in case I lifted my arms and part of my upper stomach shows but I'm too lazy to look for one in my messy room. I swear I clean it but once I put one piece of clothing on the floor all hell breaks loose after that.

I basically skip downstairs but stop when I see Lucus talking with my dad in the kitchen.

A fun idea pops into my head as I run silently on my feet that only have black ankle-length socks on.

I hop into his tall muscled back. "Hey, babe I missed youuuu." He wraps his hand under my thighs to make sure I don't fall. "Hey, there babycakes." He replies. I lean off his back but not to get off. I reach back to grab a muffin that's on the counter behind him and stuff it in my mouth getting crumbs all over his neck and shirt. "Ev are those crumbs I feel on my neck."

"Nooo, there tiny Little Rock's I keep in my back pocket," I say as I'm stuffing my mouth with my muffin. He just grunts in response.
I spend the next few minutes talking between him and my dad. When it's time to go I pat my dad's bald head and Lucus says he can drive me and I obviously agree since he says he'll carry me to his car and when we arrive at school he'll walk me to my locker while still on his back. He's the best.

Asper's POV
When I woke up this morning I actually felt like going to school which is rare. My parents thought I was a different person.

I haven't told them that I found my mate yet because I want Evie all to myself before I let the whole pack know I found there Luna.

I'm now standing against her locker waiting for her. I'm scrolling through my phone when I smell her honey jasmine. I look up but I only see her best friend Lucus. Max my inner wolf starts growling.

I see Evie's head pop up over his shoulder. It's then that I notice smooth tan legs are wrapped around his waist. I glare at Lucus for touching what's mine. It takes everything in me not to growl when he approaches.

Evie slides off his back and I'm taken back by how beautiful she is. She may be short but she makes her tan legs look long with her waist-length wheat-colored hair. Her grey colored crop hoodie makes her light grey eyes pop which makes her long dark eyelashes stand out even more.

I feel the urge to cover her with my body from the stares she's getting from a few guys in the hallway. I send them glares. "Evie?" I ask.
She's distracted with her locker while she answers. "That tis my name." She says absentmindedly sounding almost British in the process. Lucus smiles while whispering something in her ear making her smile as he walks away giving me a glare that I happily return.

Once she's done I pick up her backpack and she giggles. Oh, how I love her laugh. I turn around to look with a look that says why? She smiled at her breathtaking smile.  "Because a tall manly looking guy is wearing a backpack which has a keychain that says girl power."

I smile wrapping my arm around her waist. "What can I say never underestimate a girl."
She snorts. "Damn straight."

Evie's POV
   The day goes by in a blur making it seem like when I got home I never left. "Honey I'm home!" I yell when I walk through the door. No one yells anything back so I assume that no ones home. Which isn't unusual since my dad works late shifts.

I throw my backpack somewhere as I'm walking into the kitchen. It's kind of a game I play. I throw my bag in random places and when I need it I have to find it. One time it fell behind the piano and it took me two hours to find it.
As I'm eating my bagel that is oh so delicious someone knocks on the door. It's not my dad and it's not Lucus because they always walk right in. One walks in a bit louder than the other might I add.
Since we just moved back no one should be coming over. I sadly put my bagel down. "Don't worry I'll finish you later," I whisper to my bagel as I grab a knife and hold it behind my back.  Just in case. You never know who's outside your door.
I twist the handle and open the door to find a handsome looking guy. But ever since I met Asper every guy I meet just seems bleak in my opinion.

He has brown hair shaved on the side but it's longer on the top. With a slight beard on his sharp jawline. It's almost too sharp. I want to touch it to see if my finger gets pricked.
   "Hello." He says in a voice that sounds like a snake. I smile "Hi just out Curiosity who are you?" I ask.

His smile falters but he covers it acting like it never happened. This guy is such an ass whole you can just tell and his vibe is off.

I casually lean against the door frame watching him try to come up with a lie. "Listen here bub just cut to chase no need to lie," I say bored. His smile drops.
"I have a message for Asper king I believe you know him."

"Nah I don't know anyone by that name and who has a last name of king. That's so not original." I lie. If I annoy the guy with my teenage attitude maybe he'll go away. He looks like he has a short fuse. ...Let's make it shorter.

He glares at me. "I know you know him. I've seen him with you. The question is what are you to him."

I gasp. "You're watching me!! You perv and like I said deaf old man I. don't. Know.him." I squint my eyes.

This man's face looked like it was about to unleash a demon. His hands are balled tightly making his knuckles turn white. Well, that was easy.

I almost want to laugh but I hold it in.
"If you know him or not I don't give a shit just tell him that what comes his way is what he deserves."

I roll my eyes. "Okie mister sure thing. I'll tell someone that I don't know. Something I also don't give a shit about." I reply with a smile.

He growls. It sounds like it was from one of those cheesy werewolf movies types of growl.
I burst out laughing and slam the door in his face. That was too much fun.

I'll mention it to Asper tomorrow.

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