The spot that never changes

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Evie's POV
   I take Asper to the only spot I know will bring him peace of mind. I went there with my dad all the time when I was little and I still remember it perfectly. The spot isn't just one spot it's a beach one of my favorites. The only place I've ever cried has been here. Considering the fact that I haven't been here since I was five that makes it about 13 years since I've cried.
We leave school and I start driving to the beach. The ride was in comfortable silence the whole drive. I pull up to the beach parking lot in my pickup truck. I pull my keys out of the ignition and just sit there staring at the blue ocean and the almost white sand. I look at the tall grass swaying in the wind. I sigh as a wave of peace takes over. I hop out and start walking towards the beach with Asper right behind me.

I Stop near a patch of tall grass to slip off my socks and converse and I hear Asper beside me doing the same. Thankfully there's no one here at the moment probably because it's in the afternoon on a Monday.

I walk to the shore to stand on the wet sand where the water will slide over once again in a repetitive repeat of pushing and pulling of the ocean. I feel Asper walk up behind me and put his arms around my waist. Putting his chin on top of my head. I lean back into his embrace. I just met this guy but for some reason, I feel as if I've known him my whole life.

Asper's POV
   As she leaned into me I feel complete. To have her in my arms. To feel her body against mine. To be swallowed in her honey jasmine scent. It was a peace I've never felt before. For all my worries to be put aside and forgotten was rare for an alpha. It was new and I was feeling it because my beautiful mate knew how to read me and tell me what I needed.

  She's amazing.. to amazing I don't deserve her.

I feel her shift a little before she asks in a calm voice. "What's on your mind, Asper?" I didn't want to answer her. I didn't want to burden her with my problems but her voice was so welcoming that I couldn't stop my mouth from speaking what it's been wanting to say for a while now.

  "I don't feel like enough. My father puts a lot of pressure on me so I can be a great leader but sometimes it's too much and it makes me feel weak. So then I doubt myself on every decision I make." I whisper as put my head in the crook of her neck inhaling her sweet smell.

She turns her head a little so it fits perfectly on mine. "I don't know what you're being a leader of but I do know that doubting you're every decision just means your a great leader. You care so much about the people it will affect. As for being not enough that's impossible, you seem like a smart guy and a well worthy human being in my opinion. Not that my opinion means a lot to you. Anyway ." She Lightly laughs.

I feel lighter then I felt this past summer I felt like I could start floating. I didn't realize how much weight I've been carrying as I smile into her neck. "Your opinion means everything to me, Evie. Thank you."

"Why?" She whispers so quietly I wouldn't have heard it without my sensitive hearing. I pause before I answer with the first thing that comes to mind. "Because I think I'm falling for you," I whisper in her ear.

Evie's POV
  "Because I think I'm falling for you." He whispers in my ear making me shiver despite his warmth. I stand there thinking about how to answer. Do I like Asper? Whenever he touches me it leaves tingles all along my body. I'm so relaxed around him but I'm relaxed around everyone, to be honest. Be he's different I can feel it. "I think I'm starting to like you too," I say back. 

I felt him relax against me so our bodies molded together even more.

We spent the rest of the day at the beach talking about anything and everything. We laughed so much that my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. On the way home I get a call. I look at the ID caller and it's an unknown number.

I answer the call anyway. What if' it's my long lost grandma trying to reach me so she can give me her grandma money.  I doubt it but I keep my hope nevertheless.

I put the phone to my ear to say. "Grandma? Is this you?" From the corner of my eye, I see Asper give me a weird look. The person on the other end laughs. Wait I know that laugh. "If your grandma has a six-pack and sandy blonde hair." I giggled at Liam's reply. I heard Asper growl from next to me. "Was that a growl?" Liam asked. I laugh as I answer. "Uh yeah that was Asper he's trying to open some fruit snacks but he can't find the little cut to rip it open," Asper growls louder this time.

Liam burst out laughing on the other side of the phone. Once he calms down he says.
"So I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at the beach this Saturday." I gasp.
"Only if you wear a bright neon pink swimsuit. It's only fair." I smile devilish. "Matter of fact I have neon pick shorts sitting at the bottom of my drawer." I snort. Who has neon pink swim trunks lying around? A thought pops into my head. "Do you mind if bring along Lucus and Asper?" I see Asper out of the corner of my eye visibly relax. "Hey, why not? Oh and Ev do you know how to surf?"

"uh sadly no. Do you?" He pauses. "Did the hair and chillness not give it away?" He says as if he couldn't believe someone couldn't tell. "Well I thought you did but I wasn't sure."
  I reply kind of distracted by a warm hand that slides up my thigh sending tingles up my stomach turning into butterflies.
I'm driving talking on a phone and have a very gorgeous man touching me. If this isn't multitasking I don't know what is.
"I could teach you if you want." Liam breaks me out of my thoughts. "I'm probably going to suck but that would be fun thank, you Liam. See you Saturday."

"Bye-bye sassy traffic cone."
I laugh. "New and improved sarcastic traffic cone," I say as I hang up cutting off Liam's chuckle.

I can't wait until Saturday to hang out with the guys.

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