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Lucus's POV
Asper called asking me earlier that Evie needed some cloths and if I could drop them off. At first I was mad he was ordering me around but then I thought about Evie and how she has no cloths. I huffed then drove to her house retrieving one of her favorite outfits.

I remember her getting all excited about getting the grey cropped hoodie with triangle slits on the sleeves with dangling strips hanging in half circles from the back.
To be honest I think it looks good on her.
When I got to the house I greeted her dad promising she'll be back home by tonight.

Her room was a mess but nothing I wasn't used to. Typical Ev.
I fish around her closet and looked under her bed to grab her leggings. Putting the cloths in a grocery bag I head to there pack house.

I opened the door when a whoosh of the faintest scent of tangerines hit my nose. I drop the bag and rush off to find where the smell came from.

I walked into a area with white tiles and white walls. The smell kept getting stronger leading me to a small room with a girl who looks to be my age sleeping peacefully. I almost fall to my knees for how beautiful she was with her dark Carmel skin with soft full lips. Begging for me to kiss them. Mate

That one word set my mind in spiral my breathing quickened the world becoming smaller closing in on me.

I need to get out of here. Now.
I run to who knows where. I throw open a random door falling to the floor shoving my head into my hands breathing out of control.
No. No. No. No I can't have a mate. No not yet. No not yet I'm not ready. No No No. please someone help me. Help.

Evie POV
   I woke up to tingles erupting all along my neck making me wiggle back into the warm body behind me. I felt something poke my butt with a low growl coming from behind me reverberating against my back. My eyes shot open when I realized what was poking my butt.

I could feel my cheeks warm. His low chuckle made me tuck my face into the soft pillow.
"Good morning angel." Asper's husky morning voice whispered into my ear. Suddenly I got a idea. A bad idea but I'm going to do it anyways.

I smile devilishly but he couldn't see it because my face was still facing into the pillow.
I sick my butt more out and wiggle more back into him.

I could feel him poking me even more. "Ev." He warned his vice strained. I snort and pop out of bed to stumble and run to the bathroom for safety. I felt arms around my waist pull me back making me shriek and giggle.
"You won't get away that easily." I shiver as he whispers in my ear. I giggle but I go into overdrive when he starts tickling my sides causing me spaz in his arms trying to get free.
"Please." I giggle. "No please stop I'm sorry." It was hard to get out the sentence between my laughing but he finally stopped, leaving me trying to catch my breath.

Once I was breathing normally I asked . "What's the plan today?" while he was still hugging me from behind.
He hums into my neck. "I was thinking maybe we should go to school that's in I don't know 30 or so minutes." I go limp in his arms making him stumble a little but he balances us by picking me up so my legs are around his waist, his strong hands under my thighs. I'm pouting at him with my puppy-dog eyes. "But I don't want to go to school."
He pouts back mimicking me. "I would let you stay home but sadly I want my mate to graduate high school."
I huff. "Wait what about my cloths?" I ask brightening about the set back. But my hope is crushed when he smiles. "I asked Lucus to go get some cloths from your house."

I perk up at the thought of seeing Lucus. "Is he here?" I ask. Asper face falls into a glare. But not a glare at me but for Lucus. He nods looking away.
I kiss his cheek before hoping off him. "Asper he is my family too and I need you to know that nothings going to happen between him and me." He nods still looking at the ground. I raise on my tiptoes to kiss his lips before slipping out of his room to head downstairs.

I used my new found heightened smelling to track Lucus to one of the spare bedrooms.
"Lucus what's wrong." I rush to him where he's sitting hunched on the ground breathing rapidly. He's had many of these panic attacks before but this one seemed different. His hands are in his face there so large you couldn't even see a part of his facial features.

I put my hands on his wrists to pull lightly. He shakes his head back and forth not stopping. "I can't I can't I can't."
I feel worry worm it self into my stomach. It's never been this bad what happened?

I move my hands to the side of his face to stop the shaking. "Lucus babe you got to tell me what's wrong ok?"
He takes a shuddering breath looking at me my heart broke when I saw his eyes. His light hazel eyes now dark with sorrow and panic.
"I found my mate." He whispers.
My eyes widen but I'm still confused why he's worried about finding his mate.
I stroke his hair as his breathing calms but his hands are still shaking in his lap. "Why?" Is all I ask.
"She's beautiful and looks like a goddess. A goddess I don't deserve." He whispering voice breaks. I reach into his lap to wrap my hands around his to stop his shaking.
"Can I ask who?"
He nods softly. "I d-don't know. She was in the medic bay. Oh gosh she's hurt and I left her there. I'm already a b-bad mate." He stutters.
Realization hit me when what he said caught up to me. "Thats Juniper I found her in the woods yesterday." I whispered.
I look if confusion crossed his face. "Why was she in the woods?"
I shake my head. "This is a conversation you need to have with her. Stay here today to talk with her. I've talked with her already she would love you Lucus. She needs her mate right now." I smile softly. 

He breaths in deeply letting the breath come out threw his mouth. He nods then gives me a warm hug. "Thank you Ev." He whispers into my shoulder. I smile into his neck closing my eyes. "Always."

After I let Lucus go he heads to the medic bay while I make my way to the kitchen. I walk past the front hall but skid back walking backwards when I notice a bag on the floor. I go pick it up to notice it's my cloths Lucus brought. I smile at the outfit. My favorite. Thank you Lucus.
  The rest of the morning goes smoothly until I run into Asper right before we are about to hop in the car.
  "Ev you are not wearing that." He says in a intimidating voice.
I furrow my eyebrows. "Uh why?" I ask.
He gawks at me as if I'm stupid. "All the guys will be practically drooling over you."
  I snort. "No they will not. Get in the car." I roll my eyes at his possessive self.

He looks like he wants to argue but he only huffs before hopping in my truck which I happily drive.
This truck is my baby. He might be a little old but he still runs.. most of the time.
  And off we go back to hell.

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