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Evie's POV
  Asper wasn't lying when he said he'll make it up to me. He's spoiled me all week even though it was my time of the month and he still stuck around. I have uterus shattering cramps that make me feel miserable. On top of that I felt my usual buttercup day (numb). With the extra homework my teachers have been handing out it's been the most draining week imaginable. Thank goodness Helen had to leave somewhere for this week. Some council meeting shit she needed to do. I have no idea when she'll be back not that I'm complaining from the lack of sore muscles.

Today I went for more comfy clothing with thin loose baggy pants that pull together at the top and were tight at my ankles. I paired it with a loose flowing grey crop top, a triangle shaped gap on the neck line. On the way out I put on two semi long necklaces that my dad gifted me a few years ago.

The past few weeks I've met up with the new healed up Juniper, Lucus , Liam and Asper before we head to class every morning, but the stabbing and nausea from my lovely women hood is protesting at the very idea.

When I make it to school I swiftly walk through the halls littered with half dead looking teenagers trying to wake up enough to remember how to spell there own name .

I flinch when I feel a hand on my shoulder but relax a little when I turn around to see a friendly looking teacher.

"Evie Vailen?" She asked. I cringe inward at how sweet she sounded. I don't like happy people there to cherry all the time. I pulled my heavy lips into a smile instead, as I nod. "They've called you to the office."

I scrunch my eyebrows together as scenarios of all the crap I've pulled back in the day at school run through my memory but none were note worthy to be brought up years later. The smell of fresh sharpened pencils and carpet cleaner overwhelm my nose as I walk into the office. The man at the front desk didn't even look up when he said. "He's in the room to the right."

I stare at the sad old looking lump a little longer before swerving to the office door that had the name 'Chris Michele' written on the fogged glass. I tap my knuckles on the door lightly, waiting for the person on the inside to say something.

I turn the Handle when I heard a faint "Come in." Stale old man aroma switch with the pencil shaving and carpet cleaner as I was walking in.

I take in the room with a man sitting at a desk and old football trophy's in a glass case behind him but I stared at the golden sunlight from the still rising sunrise instead as it streamed through the blinds illuminating little floating dust dancing around.

"Good morning Ms.Vailen I'm glad you could make it. Now I'd like to discus something your mother called about earlier today." The principles voice brings me back to reality. I got to engrossed in floating dust mites to notice he started talking. Wow talk about priorities.

He gestures with a swift hand movement for me to sit down in a uncomfortable looking wooden chair.

Just as I thought, the chair was hard against my ass digging into all the wrong places. I slightly grimace but regain a fake interested look to encourage him to go on.

"Your mother has contacted me kindly enlightening me about how you've finished all your credits and should be graduated already." Mr.Michele sounded almost bored as he stared at me.

I look out the window thinking. "So I don't have to attend school anymore?" I ask not even sparing a glance at the old man. He looks like a child predator and I would like not to see his piercing eyes observing me.

He cleared his throat clearly agitated by the lack of respect. "Yes Ms. Vailen this means you won't have to attend anymore. We'll send your papers and diploma in mail to you by next week. I-" he stops talking as he realizes I'm getting up and walking out the door. "Vailen that is disrespectful get back here I wasn't done talking."

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