I've been looking for you 

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Evie's pov
As I'm putting my lunch box in my locker I feel a warm wall press against my back. Wait, how is a wall on my back and why is it warm? I thought to myself. I feel a finger slip through one of my back belt loops as someone's hot breath blew on the crook of my neck. Oookay? Who knew on the first day of high school a guy was going to breathe on my neck? No one? Yeah, I didn't think that was gonna happen either. I feel shivers run down my spine. Finally the warm wall speaks up in what I can only say is the best voice I've ever heard.

"Hello mate. I've been looking for you." I raise an eyebrow. This guy must think I'm his girlfriend or something because the only person I know here is my best friend and he doesn't sound like that. I fake gasp. "You found me! I can't believe it. I was trying so hard to hide." I say sarcastically. The warm wall froze. "What?" He growls.

"Ok geez there's no need to growl at me I was just being sarcastic." I replied. I could feel his body relax behind mine. This guy needs to chill. He takes things too seriously.

I was about to grab my backpack that sat by my feet but I'm assuming it was the warm walls hand grabbed it before I could. I turn around to face him confused. "Hey is there a reason you're here or something because." I paused to look at the time. "I'm going to be late for class." When I finally face him I'm taken back by how freaking gorgeous this guy is.

He has pitch black hair that had my hand itching to slide my hand through it's silky strands they were cropped on the sides fading into his neck. I'm jealous of how naturally perfect shaped his eyebrows were. He has the lightest blue I've ever seen. It was like looking at glaciers with long charcoal lashes and the best part, my favorite part is his damn freckles making me melt where I'm standing. "Um h-hi." I stutter. Damn it I freaking stuttered.

He was looking at me the same way. I don't know why though i'm not that pretty anyways. Oh did I mention how damn tall he was. Because I'm a normal height of 5,6 and I only barely reached his shoulders. He cracks a breathtaking smile. "Whats your next class?" He asked in his oh so sexy voice. Damn it Evie pull it together. "It's english." I smile back.

"Are you new?" He asked. I Didn't know how to answer that because it's complicated. I moved out of town when I was little because my mom left my dad when I was 5. My dad moved back here because of work otherwise we wouldn't be here. It reminds him too much of mom leaving him. My best friend Lucus and his family moved with us because his dad worked at the same job. Besides my dad Lucus has been my only constant thing in my life never leaving my side.

"I used to live here but I moved away but now i'm back." I say. He raised an eyebrow in question. It looked like he was going to ask another question but a familiar voice called from behind.

"EVIE!" Lucus yelled from behind me. I turned around just in time to see Lucus running up to me. He pulled me into a bear hug lifting me in the air since he was like 6 foot 5. This tall ass is a skyscraper with legs. I hugged him back and giggled as he spinned me. I heard a growl from behind us. "Evie who's this?"

Lucus's arms tightened around my waist. I tried to turn around but he was holding to tight. I sighed. "Lucus babe you're holding me too tight I can't turn around." I called him babe as a joke he didn't mind though because he knew we were best friends and always will be.

He looked down at me and smiled. "Sorry babecakes." I rolled my eyes as a smile cracked my lips at his nickname for me. His arms loosened but still held on. I turn around to find the gorgeous warm wall glaring at Lucus.

If looks could kill Lucus would be 6 feet under. "Oh this is.." I trailed off as I realized he didn't tell me his name. His glacier eyes look down at me. His whole face softened in a second. "Asper." He whispered.

For some reason I couldn't help but smile. That my friend is a weird but very hot name. "Lucus this is Asper we just met. Asper this is my best friend Lucus." I said. Asper just went glaring back at Lucus which he returned.

"Well it was nice meeting you Asper but I gotta head to class." I tried leaning over to grab my backpack but he only moved it back further away from me. All the while he wrapped his arm around the upper part of my back. "Guys people are gonna think I have two boyfriends so one of you let go." Lucus' arm only tightened and so did Aspers. My poor boobs are being smashed against his hard chest . Not that I'm complaining though his chest was super warm.

I reached down and pinched Lucus's hand in the sensitive spot between the pointer finger and the thumb. "Ow really Evie you pinched me?" I smile proudly. "Yup I gotta go to class." Popping the p when I said yup. I try again to grab my bag but this time he swings it onto his shoulder making it impossible to grab. "Fine you can just walk me to class you stubborn bimbo." I muttered the last part quietly but I think he heard it because he chuckled. The sound vibrating through my body. "Sure why not I have the same first class anyways." He stops laughing only to smirk at Lucus as if he won something.

"Bye Lucus I'll see you at lunch." I smile and wink. He smiles back and gives me the be carful look. I rolled my eyes and started to walk to English with Asper. Shoes still in hand.

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