Witchy powers

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Evie's POV
  As I walk in the school doors a wave of emotions hit me so hard I have step back. I put a hand on my forehead on instinct for the raging headache that's forming.

I felt a hand on my shoulder which caused my headache to pull away a little bit but it still blared in my temples. "Ev what's wrong?"

Asper's asked me as he led me away from the school doors.
I squeeze my eyes close trying to block the emotions.
Damn being a witch sucks.
I imagined myself putting a wall up to block all the connections I felt through out the whole hallway.

Suddenly with the imaginary wall up the emotions were shut out and I could finally breath again but the pestering headache still lingered ready to come back if I didn't keep the wall up.
  "What happened?" Asper looked worried.
"My witchy powers are hard to get used to that's all." I said shaking my head. I look back up to him to see he was more relaxed now. This boy is to adorable for his own good.

I softly smile at him which he returns. I take his hand to start to walk to my locker to drop my stuff off.

I felt my thigh vibrate from my pocket in my leggings.
I love these pants they actually have freaking pockets.
I pull out my phone to read a text from my dad.
"Hey girly do you want to come over tonight for a movie night?"

I read the message in my head smiling when I finished reading. I quickly tap my keyboard a message saying that I'll be there only if there's popcorn.
"Whatcha you smiling about?" Asper asked.
I didn't realize I'm still smiling until he speaks up. "Me and my dad are having a movie night tonight. You'll be okay without me?" I ask just now thinking I won't be with him tonight.

He pouts with begging eyes. "What will I do without you?" He says in a baby voice sounding like a little child with a deep voice.
I giggle but I reply in the same voice. "Awe poor baby puppy you'll be just fine without me."
He leans in whispering in my ear. "I'll never be fine without you. I don't want you Evie.. I need you." His voice was low and husky making a shiver run down my spine warming my stomach.

I turn to him whispering into his ear.
Smiling ear to ear. "Good." I softly giggle. I turn to walk away with a stunned Asper left behind.

He shakes his head and fast walked to catch up with me. Once we make it to class I sit next to Liam again who greeted me with a huge smile. I happily smile back practically glowing.
When I sit down he raises an eyebrow.
"Well hello there sunshine. Someone's happy." I only nod back the big smile a soft calm happy one.

Sometime in the middle of class he leans over and whispers. "I didn't have time this morning to check but how's Juniper?"
"Oh that reminds me Lucus just found out that she's his mate." I whisper back my mood dampening from the memory of the shaking Lucus on the floor this morning.
He really had me worried when I found him like that.

Liam looks shocked but then brakes into a  smile. "Good for him." He said.
There was something in his eyes that held mourning and I could somehow still feel a sliver of his emotions that were twinged with loneliness. What's he hiding?
I looked around the room and decided I'll keep a close watch on Liam to see if I can see what's on his mind for right now I need to somehow get a message to Asper.
I could ask Liam to mind link him... but throwing a piece of paper would be more fun.
I reach down into my bag to rip a lined notebook page out and a pen. I quickly wrote down the note and had another idea.
Why not put my new witch powers to use?
I felt for the air around my hand as I brought my arm up to throw the ball. I flicked my hand right as the ball left my palm to add extra oomph to the speed.

I guess the gush of air was a little to much so the crumbled ball went flying straight to Asper causing a satisfying smack when it hit the side of his head. His body stumbled off his chair from the impact. His face was full of confusion when he looked up at the sound of my laughter and Liams. The whole class was laughing too at the now glaring Asper still sitting on his ass.

He reached to his left to pick the paper still glaring at my folded over giggling mess. His face softened when he looked down to read the letter softly smiling.
When he meets my eyes I could tell there was slight worry in them but he nodded all the same.

Me and Liam ended up having lunch detention for the whole paper ball fiasco. Even though Liam wasn't the one who threw the ball the teacher didn't care. Liam said that the teacher has always found ways to give him hell but was fine with it.

The rest of the day went well, me and Liam had to stay in a silent classroom for lunch but other than the butt load of homework it was an easy day. I was so lost in thought it took me a second to realize there was hand on my arm pulling me into a dark classroom. Who the hell-

Asper POV
Damn I'm whipped. I miss Ev like crazy just because I didn't see her at lunch. My wolf was whimpering to have her in my arms again.

I reach my hand up to rub my head where the paper ball Ev threw in English hit.
How the fuck did she throw it so hard?
A sweet smell entered my nose making every other smell disappear. Honey jasmine.
I look up and see her walking towards my way.
She looked lost in thought so she didn't notice me.

I kept my hand on the classroom handle behind me and when she was about to walk past me I grabbed her arm to pull her into the class. I slammed her into the now closed door and kissed her.
She tensed up but then immediately relaxed and kissed me back. My body was flushed against hers. She brought her hands around my neck one sliding into my hair making me hum in pleasure from her touch. My hands tightened on her hips bringing her closer to me. Not even a piece of paper could slide through us our bodies are fit together like the last puzzle piece.
How am I going to let her leave me tonight?
My heart rate picked up in panic just at the thought. But I told myself I'll be ok and to let her have her space.

I pull back from her to catch our breath. Her breathing a little more heavy than mine.
"I missed you." My voice almost sounded raspy.
She smiled which caused butterflies to erupt in my stomach.
"I missed you to." She whispered. She reached up to cup my cheek.
"You know this won't convince me to stay with you tonight right?"
I sigh not even realizing I was hoping for that.
"Awe it's ok baby you can come over maybe later in the night after movie night?"
My whole face lights up at the thought of still seeing her.
I nod eagerly smiling. She giggled as she leaned up to kiss my cheek. I could feel my cheeks warm a little which I tried to cool them down somehow but to my embarrassment they seemed to tint pink.
Ev noticed and giggled again before she slipped out of the door leaving me cold in her absence.
I huff and head out as well.

Evie's POV
I send a silent thanks to my past self for driving my car instead of driving Asper's sense I probably wouldn't know how to drive his.
It's all fancy with so many buttons.

When I got into my truck I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice the lady sitting in my car.
"Goddess you gave me a damn heart attack. Who are you?" My hearts still calming down once I observed the women.

She had straight thick black hair cut short. Her narrow lids held dark silver orbs. She has clear soft pale skin with thin lips and a gentle nose.

You would think she would be a nice wonderful happy giddy women by her looks but the glare she's sending me right now gives everything but that impression.
"I'm Helen Clive and I'm sitting here in your." She pauses to look around with disgust at my car before continuing. "Pitiful car because I was sent by the council."
"Hey this truck is my baby I bought him with my own money plus he's a classic." I counter before adding. "And what the hell is the council?"
My life has been literally turning upside down lately.
"You really don't know anything? Wow you are going to be a great deal of work. The council is a group of witches that make sure that no other witches are to go wild. I'm here to train you."
She clarified.

I rest my head against my steering wheel both hands under my head.
"So your telling me that a bunch of crusty old grandmas sent me a babysitter?"
I could feel her glare burning into my skull but I ignore it. "That group of grandmas are the most powerful of all time. I think it would be wise to show them respect."
I sigh. "Listen here Helen I'm busy and I need to get home. So can you go leave back to whatever motel cockroach infested room your staying in and talk about this tomorrow?"

I turn my head to face her still leaning on my steering wheel.
She sighs "Fine but expect a long talk tomorrow." She turns to leave but I stop her.
"And Helen I don't just give out respect to anyone who claims to have it. They have to earn it." I say strongly.
Helen just nods and hops down from my car to walk away.

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