Your different

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Happy New Year readers! Hope 2021 isn't a shit show like 2020 😌

Evie's POV
I lay still on my rock-hard bed trying not to think about the one thing that makes my heart beat faster and my stomach ache. But yet Asper drifts into my mind taking over my every thought and every emotion. The past few days have been hard to not think about the only thing that brings me comfort of safety. The feeling of missing him is like a 50-pound weight sitting on my chest pulling and clogging my throat, watering my eyes. Letting the tears grow into sobs in the silent night.

I finally find the strength to sit up and forget about the crystal blue eyes haunting my racing mind. I sit up cris cross leaning my head against the stone wall stone whispering to the ancient rocks. Telling them of my life and how it is now. Telling them of Asper. Of the new friends, I've made. Of course, they don't answer back but every once awhile I feel a pull or a tug from the stones as if reacting to what I'm saying. So I keep going telling it stories of the new technology of our time. Nothing like the old ways of the stones time. Sometimes I'd feel it poking my brain or caress it but I ignore it and continue my blabbering on about politics and my favorite color and why.

'You're different from the others.' I suddenly jump at the rough quiet whisper it sounded as if it hasn't been used in ages. "Others?" I whisper back unsure. 'I've had many prisoners pass through but you are different. You don't beg for escape, you don't wail out sobs as other sad men and women have. You're different.'

I scrunch my eyebrows thinking about what was happening. I've been talking to ancient stone and it's impressed with my personality. Okay, weirder things have happened but this I can work with.

"I- Uh thank you?" I stammered.

'I can help you. But my help comes with a price.'

My body straightens at the proposition. "What kind of price. Cause I gotta break it to you I don't have money on me at the moment." I mummer looking around my mostly empty cell.

A shiver runs down my spine as goosebumps rise on my skin. They left me in this lovely, warm dress. My exposed skin which is basically half my body is defenseless against the bitting chill in the air.

'A price of a life.' The voice almost sounded excited about it. I feel my breathing stop in my throat blocked by dread. "Who's life?" I croak out.

'Anyone would suffice. Anyone who doesn't have stolen magic that is. Once gone or killed they must be brought back here to this cell to be buried deep into the depths of these stones.'

I sit there stunned blankly staring at the opposite wall to me as if it held the answers to all my problems. I wish Asper was here. I thought glumly.

"And what do I get in return?" I ask while trying hard to keep my voice from wavering. Swallowing the dense dread in my throat I focus on the present.

'I'll cut off your magic.'
"What?! How would that help me if anything it hurts more than helps." My whispered shriek echos off the empty cells walls calling back to me.

'If I cut off your magic than they won't be able to take it. Which will stop the spell from working.'
"Will it ever come back?"
'Will it ever come back? Yes. When? depends on you it will be triggered by a high spike of emotions.'

I pause to think over their words. "And if I don't bring back a life?"

There's silence before I hear the whisper again. 'You will be cursed. A curse so deep you'll never be able to recover. It'll bring your worst demons out. They'll play with your mind as if it was wet mud being sculpted. Letting yourself slip through your fingers loosing your only will to live."

I took in a breath in deep trying to search my brain for another solution but only coming up with one. It has to be me who looses their life. I'll never be able to live with myself knowing someone else died because I was to weak.

So I nod my head and confirm. "I'll do it."

The next thing I know my body exploded in pain. I felt as if every cell in my body was tearing apart. I arched my back off the wall choking for air that seemed to have escaped my lungs. I hold my throat to see if it was being ripped off from the feeling of pain throbbing thorough my body. The worst pain was on my back. My spine was screaming hot fire as if someone was pulling it out.

As soon as it started it ended. I finally breathed in a deep breath of cold air filling my lungs. With my chest rising and falling I fall on my
Back only to yelp in pain. I gingerly reached back to touch my spine to feel my skin hot and agitated like it was sunburned to the bone. I move my body carefully to lay down on my stomach still panting from the pain. Squeezing my eyes shut trying to control my breathing back to normal.

What did I just do?

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