We won't hurt you

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Asper POV
I startled awake from my bed looking around the room when I felt nothing warm beside me. The absence of Evie was like a hole that I needed to fill but couldn't, not without her in my arms.

I stormed out of my room in only my black sweatpants. I couldn't seem to find my favorite pear of grey ones.

I ran down stairs to sniff around for her scent. I mind linked Liam to come help me find Ev. He responded immediately saying he's on his way. I could feel slight panic from Ev through the mate bond edging me on faster to get to her

I followed her scent to outside and through the woods. I could hear Liam behind me running just as fast as me.

I passed through a large bush to be greeted by a clearing with bright green grass but what caught my attention was Ev in a fighting stance facing a small rugged looking wolf.

If Evie has noticed us I didn't know she was solely focused on the wolf that was bearing their teeth at her.

I was about to run to her when I felt a hand on my shoulder holding me back. I looked over to Liam with a withering glare. "Let's see how our future Luna handles this. If it gets to dangerous then we can step in." Liam said through the mind link.

I look back to my mate. I hesitate before I nod my head. 

Evie POV
   I try to think of a idea of what to do to get away but I stop when I feel fear and vulnerability. Not from me from her. The wolf is scared shitless of me but she's acting tuff hoping I'll back away.

A image flashed before my eyes without warning.
Fists hit me over and over I felt a foot connect to my stomach making my torso flair in pain. I cry out but nothing comes out but air. Tears  stream down my face.
I'm brought back to reality the air leaving my body. I stumble to the grass looking at the wolf still feeling the after math of the memory who I'm assuming was from the wolf. The wolf looked taken back by taking a cautious step back.
"I'm not going to hurt you. I know what happened to you please don't run away I can help." I whisper only for her to hear. The wolf walks toward me slowly looking for any sign of aggression from me. Once she reaches me I reach out slow not to scare her.

The wolf watched my hand slowly creep toward her head keeping still as stone.
  I run my hand through the wolf's hair affectionally letting her know I'm no threat.
The wolf whimpered and feel into my lap is when I notice the wound on her side pouring out dark blood.

I curse to myself. This must have happened not to long ago. I turn my head to Asper and Liam . I knew right when they stepped in the clearing but I ignored them and focused on the wolf but now I need them.
  "Asper mind link your pack doctor to prepare for a small wolf with a deep gash in her stomach that looks about a few hours old. Now." Asper nods and turns away eyes fogged over. I turn to Liam. "Carry her gingerly but fast to the house." I demand.

Liam nods back walking over to me bending over to carefully pick up the wolf. I stand up once she's off my lap.

We all start to run back the house my adrenaline rushing through my veins. I run as fast as Asper and Liam surprisingly. The wind rushing past me lifting my feet almost as if I wasn't touching the ground. Soon I'm in front of Asper and Liam making me the first to reach the pack house. I rush into the house telling people to move out of the way as Liam comes in following the path I made to the hospital looking area with white tiles and white walls women and men walking around in nurse scrubs.
   "Where is she?" The doctor from this morning asked. I nod over to Liam who's right behind me Asper right behind Him. Liam and the doctor walk back into one of the rooms but I stayed back to give the doctor space to do his job. He wouldn't need my help so might as well get out of the way so he can do his best.
Asper waits with me arms wrapped around me my head resting against his warm chest.
  "What happened?" He whispered. I lean back and lead him to a chair to sit in while he takes the chair next to mine
  "I honestly don't know. I felt what she was feeling then I got a vision of one of her memories of someone... hurting her. It was as if I was her and I felt everything she felt." I still felt the ghost of pain in my stomach.
  Asper pulled me into his lap, I curled into his warmth.
"Awe you got blood on my favorite pair of sweatpants." Asper pouted. Who knew someone could be hot while pouting.
"What do you mean your sweatpants these are mine now. Along with all the those hoodies I saw in your closet." I smirk.
Asper's chuckle made me smile softly against his chest. I close my eyes inhaling his pine tree scent.

Someone cleared there throat. My eyes open to see Liam smirking leaning against the room doorway where the doctor brought the wolf in.
"She's asking for you." He said.
I nod and stand up to start walking to her room. Asper started to get up along with me but I shake my head. He huffs but sits back down folding his arms across his chest.
He looks like a kid who just got denied a toy.
I laugh lightly walking to the room. When I enter the room a girl around my age with dark caramel skin laid in the hospital bed looking at the empty walls.

I went to sit in the seat by her bed.
"Hi." I say. She turns to me with eyes that are a stunning green. Her skin was flawless with a button nose and full lips. Her black hair was in a bunch of small braids that laid around the pillow.
"I know you." She whispered.
"How?" I've never seen her in my life. 
"Back in my old pack my alpha was mated to a women who looked like you. She mentioned she had a daughter about your age."
I rub my hand on temples. My mom has a mate?
Well now I now why she left my dad I guess.
"I saw a memory of yours." I watch closely to her reaction. She froze her shoulders tense with her eyes full of fear.
"Don't worry we won't hurt you. I know what your pack did to you. Do you mind me asking why?" I say gently.
She swallows. "I was the runt of the pack so they would pick on me. The alpha was the worst. His beating took the longest to heal." She whispered almost scared to tell the truth.
My heart broke for her. She was just unique and they beat her for it. I could feel anger start in my stomach but I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"Well your safe here. I'm Evie by the way but you can call me Ev."
The girls smile was breathtaking with her white straight teeth. "I'm Juniper but you can call me June."
I smile in return. "Well Juniper I can already tell we're gonna be good friends."
The for awhile we talked about what happened at her old pack. I could tell it was difficult to talk about it but she didn't cry once which made her seem strong. I admired her for that. She talked about my mother and how bad she was at being a Luna. I laughed at the stuff she said about her. Juniper looked surprised that I laughed before I told her my back story and how I just found out I'm a witch.

In middle of us laughing I feel someone walk in and by the sent it's Asper. I feel his warm hands go under my arms in my armpits. He lifts me up like Im not a full grown teenage girl who eats ramen for basically every meal. He pulled me to his chest my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. His warm hand settled at the bottom of my thighs.
"Sorry to interrupt the girl time but I can't be away from my mate any longer." He says in voice that sounded starved. He's breathing deeply as if my scent could fill his every need.
"No problem I'm feeling tired anyways."
I nod to her and fake salute to her on my way out which she lazily does back.

As we're walking down the hallway to his room I groan when I remember something.
"What's wrong?" Asper's voice sounds worried.
"We have school tomorrow." I grumble into his chest. He gives a hearty laugh that makes me melt into him like butter.
When we get back to Asper's room we stay up a little talking and watching movies cuddled up in his bed. Sometime in the night I fall asleep in Asper's arms.

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