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I've been dreading writing this chapter. So please comment and vote 🎬

Evie's POV
"Why?" I ask desperately trying to keep my emotions in but the hurt leaked out rasping my voice.

I turn my head to her again glaring daggers at my mother hoping to pierce her skin. "I guess I should tell you the whole story?" She pauses. The question setting heavy in the air before she started stepping from the fake king's arms walking around the clearing. " I might as well since your going to die soon anyway." I try not to flinch at her words. "When I found my true mate Hector he showed me, my people. People like me who share the same power. He made me realize that your father didn't deserve the queen I am. I left without turning back until the day I realized my own daughter was more powerful than me. Once Hector informed me of the hate he harbored for your mate Asper and his family we made a plan. It all came together when we found out you two were mates."

"Oh, goodie we all love happy endings." I snort out laughing. "You know growing up without a mother was pretty hard." I let out another sad laugh. "Dad had to learn how to braid my hair on his own. H-he was never home from all the shifts he took to keep the bills paid and yet he was a better parent than you." I sneer at her only to see no effect by my words. Her face of stone never cracking.

"Let's get this over with. Kade!" She called out. I turn my head to my left to a figure with a dark cloak the hood pulled over creating a shadow over his face. A gasp left my chapped lips when the figure threw his hood back leaving a horror behind. He didn't even look like Kade anymore.
Horns sprouted from his forehead white hair pooling around them. His once pale skin now a withered black cracked with red glowing cracks. It was as if he had lava flowing between a cracked molten rock. The fire-red eyes glowed unnaturally in the cool night matching the torches that surrounded us.

I thrashed against the table as pain filled my whole body. An old language was being chanted from Kade's lips. His voice so deep I couldn't pick up the words. Suddenly they stopped and I slumped back down in relief the stabbing pain was gone only leaving a throbbing memory behind.

"NO!" I look over at my Mother making my head shoot in the direction of what's she screaming at.
I turn to see the demon Kade on the ground a spear sticking out his chest. Slowly his skin started to lose its glow the lava cooling off into hard rock. I pick up my head as far as my chains would allow me but what I saw made my heart beat faster.

There standing as beautiful as ever was Asper, his cold eyes glaring at the man on the floor. It's then I realize Liam, Lucus, Juniper,... and a little kid? He looked about 12 to 13 years old. But if Asper trusts him enough to bring along then I trust the little kid.

I hear bones cracking that has my head snapping to the king but find only a huge gray wolf instead. White crusty patches along his fur made him look feral and deadly. More bones cracking draws my eyes over to see Asper no longer in human form. His massive black and white-tipped wolf stood only a little taller than the king.

As they growl a soft confused voice shatters the silence. "Clide?" The betrayal in Liam's voice scares me.

Liam's POV
I stood in shock at what was before me. Evie was chained to a stone table with her mother glaring daggers at us, a massive wolf standing next to her. But what shocked me the most was my long-lost mate standing there.

My thought to be dead mate is standing in front of me not even 20 feet away. My heart pounds in my chest as I take in his dark skin with his familiar piercing blue eyes sending electric shock waves down my body. "You were dead," I whispered. The only emotion in Clides eyes was stone cold. emotionless.

"This whole time your name was Clide? Really?
And here I thought It would something cool like Slither." Evie's voice snapped me back to reality. What she said only proved my thoughts correct. He was helping them kill her.

I pushed my feelings away shoving them deep down. If he could leave his mate without telling me where he was then I wouldn't show any mercy.

With that thought, I charged running right to him.

Evie's POV
I watched as my friends charged. Suddenly out of nowhere people in dark cloaks darted out of the tree line attacking.

I struggled to move out of my chains, the movement drawing blood from my already
raw wrists. A cry of frustration escapes my lips as I watch my friends basically family fight. I want to help them. No magic or not I wanted,no needed to help them. I notice a few of our pack members came to help but it wasn't nearly enough.

I look frantically around only freezing as I see Liam staring down the tip of a sword. Clide on the other end holding it. With Liam mouthing something to him he drove the sword through his chest. A scream of pain left me as I watched Liam's body grow limp on the grass ground. My heart shattered as his eyes met mine from far away. With his last dying breath, he moved his lips mouthing "I'm sorry". He faintly smiled before his face went limp. His eyes so once filled with life were left cold and empty never again to see the next rising of the sun. Gaping at the world he'll never lay eyes on again and for me to never see those lips tug into his bright smile is forever gone.

I feel like my whole body was bathing in anger. The loss of my best friend settled deep in me unlocking the door to my magic. I. Saw.
Red. The rage so much I couldn't contain the utter amount of it. I let out a scream of anger ripping my body out of the chains snapping them like paper. I jumped off the table pouncing on the nearest black cloak figure. I went through them as if they were nothing. I stole the air from one only to turn around and shove a spear of ice into another. Crushing others by a massive boulder. I didn't trust my fire enough to use and not cause a forest fire so I left that as a plan B.

I heard a withering whimper and panic ran through my veins as I looked around to find a bloody Asper's wolf being held down by an equally bloody grey wolf. The king.

I'm not losing another person I love. Screw caution as I ran toward my mate. To run faster I used air to lift me up higher and higher, like invisible steps to run on. Soon enough I was close enough to launch a ball of fire at the wolf's exposed side. He bowled in pain at impact tumbling off Asper. Asper gave me a thankful nod before pouncing on the king.

I would have watched the killing blow but I hear a heartbreaking cry and a force hit me from behind. I try to grasp around me to feel the air but my back hit a tree faster. I grunt from the air leaving my lungs stunning my back and body. I try to breathe in air but find it hard to find any. "You little BITCH! You ruined everything! I knew you were a mistake the minute I saw you. It's all your fault!" My mother's screeching voice brought air to my lungs. I bent over grasping onto the air finally filling my chest.

I stand straight up looking frantically for any help but find all my friends busy fighting off the last enemies. I focus back on my mother looking her in her psycho eyes. "Give up mother. You'll never be able to find peace. Not with your mate dead." That seemed the wrong thing to say as she snarls at me reaching up her arms gathering glowing energy in her hands.

All too fast a glaze of hot red fire is thrown at me making me freeze. At the last moment my instinct kicked in and I jump to the side yelping in pain as the blaze nipped my arms burning skin. I fall to the ground my legs giving out. I hiss looking at my scorched arm stinging to the open air. I only have a few seconds before another fireball is thrown my way. I roll out of the way standing on shaky legs to face my mother.

I feel around for water letting it slither up my arms, sweat glistens on my skin like another layer of skin. I sigh and hiss at the water touching my burn. It felt good but also stings like hell.

I get into a fighting stance and face off my mother. "If this is how you want to do it then so be it."

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