Chapter 18

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"Wha-," Ava says, her eyes soft but questioning. "What does any of this have to do with you?"

"Because," I say with a heavy sigh, "they know I killed Asmodeus."

I sweep a hand through my hair, combing it away from my face.

I was so caught up in getting Asmodeus out of our lives, that I didn't even consider that there might be some kind of retribution coming for me if I were to succeed.

"But you didn't kill him, really," Ava says. "I did."

"Okay, hold up," Jen says, her voice shifting to an almost-scolding tone as she turns to Ava. "You killed someone?"

"I um..." she says, chewing on her lip slightly. "Sort of... Technically. But he was a demon and a bad guy so..."

"A demon and a bad guy? Are there good demons?" Jen leans forward in her chair.

"Well, I mea-"

"Kieran's a demon," I say. Kami raises her eyebrows at my admission but I just give her a shrug.

The Immortal cat is already out of the bag, so to speak.

"No shit..." Jen says with a smirk. Her expression slowly shifts as she looks between Ava and me. "Wait, seriously?"

"Seriously," Ava says.

"Whaaattt??" Jen shrieks, jumping to her feet. "Kieran is a literal motherfreaking demon? What does that even mean? Are we talking red guy with a tail like Azazel? Or are we talking baddie manipulating shit in the shadows a la Mephisto? Oh my god, can Kieran make me Ghost Rider??"

What the hell is she talking about? Why does she want to ride ghosts? I'm probably going to regret asking.

"You're confusing comic books and real life again, Jen," Ava says. "Kieran can not make you Ghost Rider and he does not have a tail."

"Er, actually..." I say. "In his demon form, he does have a tail."

"What?" Ava asks, her eyes widening. "He has a demon form?"

"Oh my god, girl," Jen says. "You find out your boyfriend's friend is a demon and you don't even ask if he has a tail? How are we even friends?"

"My bad. I don't immediately think to ask about demon tails or bird penises. But that's why I have you."

"So true, but I think we've gotten off track. You killed a demon?"

"Yeah, it's kind of a long story but when I got attacked and ended up in the hospital, that was him."

"And you killed him?" Jen asks, wide-eyed.

"Yeah..." Ava awkwardly fiddles with her fingers in her lap.

"What a badass!"

"Okay," Kami interjects. "As much as I am honestly enjoying this discussion, I do think we should get Jen home safely, and I should probably head out soon after."

"Whyyy?" Jen whines, sitting back down. "I have so many questions!"

"Because you're human. If the situation gets further out of hand, it might start affecting you."

"Why hasn't it affected me already?"

"Probably because you're more accustomed to us. You spend a lot of time around people with Siren blood, so you have a bit of immunity."

"Orrr... I'm a superhuman?" she asks with hopeful eyes.

Ava laughs and shakes her head.

"Wait... why are you guys talking about me like I'm the only human? Ava's human too..." her eyes dart between the three of us. "Right? Ava is a human... Right? Why aren't you guys saying anything?"

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