Chapter 60

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"Are we serious about doing this?" Morgan asks. "You think we can find and infiltrate an underground hideout, undoubtedly crawling with Shayatin, Incubi, and Succubi, so that we can rescue Zane and Kami from not one but two actual Kings of the underworld?"

Wanting to save them and thinking we actually stand a chance are two very different things.

"Do you have a better plan?" I ask.

"Yeah, how 'bout we not risk everyone's lives by embarking on an impossible mission with a sex-crazed demon bro, a crippled human, a seal, and an empath," he says, turning to Kieran and Finn with an apologetic look. "No offense."

"Definitely offended," Finn says, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes.

"Not me," Kieran says with a shrug. "You pretty much have me pegged there."

I can't really bring myself to be offended right now when we have so many other problems going on.

"Honestly, I'm not sure I can help anyway," Finn says.

"Why?" Kieran asks. "You don't think you can slap them with your fish tail?"

"Oi! Why is everyone on my arse today?"

"You're right, bro. Sorry. Why can't you help?"

"Well... I told Marella I wouldn't get myself into too much trouble. It uh... turns out we've got a little one on the way."

"Oh wow," I say. "Congratulations. You're right, you shouldn't be involved in this."

"I'll help in whatever way I can."

"You can watch Ava while Kieran and I find Kami and Zane," Morgan says with a stern expression.

"But I can help," I protest.

"How? You plan on pushing a chair at them? Let's face it, you'll be more of a liability than an asset."

"So we stay at some hotel while you guys go rescue everyone?" Finn asks. "It's not a bad plan, honestly, but are we sure this isn't exactly what they want? Get Ava isolated with little protection. This could all just be a diversion to target Asmodeus's real killer."

We all exchange glances but no one says anything for a moment.

"He's got a point," Morgan finally says with a sigh. "But what's the alternative? Take her with us? That's precisely what they want. Might as well bring her in on a silver platter."

"Listen, I don't pretend to know battle strategies or what is best here," I say, "I'll do whatever you guys decide is best, but I have to go somewhere."

"I know," Morgan says, running a hand over his face. "Have we considered the alternative? That we not do this? I'm sorry, but someone needs to say it—Kami and Zane are just two individuals. Should we be sacrificing so much to save them?"

"Why would you say something like that? They're not important enough to you? You don't think they're worth saving?"

"I'm not saying that," he says, shaking his head. "I'm saying maybe the price is too high. Do you think either of them would want you risking your life to save them?"

"I really don't give a damn what they want me to do, Morgan. I'll do whatever I need to to make sure they're safe."

He lets out a heavy sigh.

"I'm gonna get more tea," Finn says with wide eyes, clearly feeling uncomfortable as he steps into the kitchen.

"I don't mean to be cold," Morgan says softly. "He's lucky, you know... to have so many people in his life who are willing to fight for him. To have you willing to risk your life for him. What did this guy do to earn such devotion?"

He looks almost sad with his head hanging low.

"Zane comes off harsh," Kieran says, "but he's not that guy on the inside."

"I know. I always thought it was interesting how he and Kami were polar opposites. Zane with his cool exterior and the fire inside; Kami burning hot on the surface but calm and cool underneath. It's no wonder their souls were reborn together—they're yin and yang."

"Not a lot of people see that."

"Most people aren't empaths."

"I want to tell you a story," Kieran says, sweeping his hair out of his face. "This gorgeous Succubus started sleeping with me-"

"Okay, we don't need to hear your sex tales..."

"This isn't a sex story," he scoffs. "She was the one who recruited me. She brought me to Asmodeus, who converted me—made me a demon. And then they left. I was on my own."


"So here I was, totally lost, trying desperately to get by. I was starving all the time, and when I fed... the only way to get enough sustenance was to drain them dry. The first time I killed someone... it was brutal. I didn't mean to. But I still remember their face—completely pale—and they weren't breathing. I must've cried for a week."

He twists his hair anxiously between his fingers and keeps his eyes on the floor.

"I was living in a small enough town that I ended up drawing the attention of the cops," he continued. "It was bad. I would've definitely been in deep shit. But outside of a bar one day, this guy jumps me. He takes me by the collar and he pins me up against the wall and he asks me who the hell I am and why I'm killing people. And I just... started sobbing. Not gonna lie, it was not my most badass moment. I didn't know what to do. I was young. My family had kicked me out years back and I was living on the streets. I had nobody."

"I'm so sorry," I say. "I didn't know about all of that."

"It's okay, Aves. I was lucky. That guy who confronted me, it was Zane. He took pity on me. He listened to my story and he understood. He took me inside and he helped me get a meal for the night. His venom worked to boost the effects of the target's sexual energy and I was able to satiate myself without hurting someone for the first time."

He nods and smiles slightly.

"The thing is," he continues, "he could've just left it at that. He could've left me on my own again, but he didn't. He kept helping me. And a lot of Immortals wouldn't have; they see demons as beneath them. Kami was certain I was taking advantage, but Zane stuck by me. He had no reason to—I was this huge burden on him—but he didn't want to leave me alone to suffer. Zane has a good heart. He walks around in his leather jacket and boots like he's all tough and hardcore but he's a teddy bear inside, one who feels and cares and takes pity on little demons who have nowhere to go."

"I know he means a lot to you all," Morgan says. "We'll get them both back. I just... I wish it didn't mean we had to risk both of your lives to do so."

He looks at me with soft eyes and a bit of a frown and sighs. It's obvious he's worried this is going to go horribly wrong.

I am too.


I drop my bag on the hotel room floor and fall forward onto the bed.

Between all the stress and the physical toll of traveling to Greece, I'm exhausted and every part of my body is sore.

"Get settled and try to get some sleep if you can," Morgan says as he walks in. "Kieran will be on the couch and I'm in the other bedroom if you need anything."

"Thanks," I say. "What time are we leaving tomorrow?"

"I'm gonna play it by ear. We don't want to go off at half-cock and show up tired. Get some sleep, we'll need to be fresh if we're taking on two Demon Kings in the morning."

"I'm still coming along, right?"

"Yes," he says, shaking his head slightly. "I don't think we have another option. You're going to have to stick close to me."

"I can always ride on your shoulders like a human backpack."

He raises a brow at me and tilts his head.

"I'm joking!" I say.

"It's not a bad idea," he says with a smirk, heading back to the living area. "Goodnight, Ava."


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