Chapter 61

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I latch onto Morgan's back as he scales the high, brown stone wall with incredible ease. The wall is covered in red warning signs reading "ΑΠΑΓΟΡΕΥΕΤΑΙ Η ΕΙΣΟΔΟΣ", which I don't need to know much Greek to realize means something like "stay the heck out of here".

With a firm thunk, his feet hit the ground on the other side and I slide off his shoulders.

The building in front of us is made of the same brown stone, cracked and decaying.

"Are we sure this is the place?" Kieran asks in a hushed voice.

"There are only two known catacombs within 40 minutes of the island," Morgan whispers. "The other one is open to the public, so yeah... pretty sure. Now be quiet and follow me."

Morgan gestures for us to follow as he walks up to the entrance, which is just an open archway where a door may have once stood. He steps inside as I walk close behind with Kieran at my back.

After a moment, he finds the entrance to the catacombs and signals for us to join him. We tiptoe delicately behind. A narrow stairway leads down to an even-narrower passage that looks too slim to be intended for fully-grown people. My jeans rub against the stone as I do my best to fit through the tiny gap. I'm not typically bothered by tight spaces, but this has me completely creeped out.

I exhale as we make it out of the passage into a larger corridor with arched ceilings. The stone walls are rough and discolored from decades of water damage and decay. There's modern lighting installed all throughout the space, with tunnels shooting off in every direction.

I start to feel a bit dizzy, so I lean on the wall to stabilize myself. I feel the surface crumble beneath my fingertips and send tiny rock pieces falling to the floor with a clattering sound.

Morgan flips around in a fast motion and the pebbles go flying behind me, just missing Kieran.

"Sorry," I whisper to a wide-eyed and tense Morgan.

He looks around for a moment before looking back at me.

"This isn't good," he says softly. "That power—telekinesis—no demons have it. Only the Demon Kings. They must be nearby. Stick close to me. And Kieran, watch the rear."

"I'm pretty sure Zane would kill me for that," Kieran says in a hushed tone.

Morgan shoots him a glare before continuing to move forward.

After a few feet, he stops in his tracks just before an opening to the next corridor. We hear voices arguing in the distance, but I can't tell what they're saying. He nods—indicating that we're about to encounter trouble—and swivels around the corner.

We can't quite see the sources of the chatter, but nearly run into a woman with long black hair and a leather vest. It's pretty safe to assume she's not on our side, as a smile stretches across her face when she sees me.

She grabs Morgan by the wrist, but she must be a Shaytan because she seems shocked when he doesn't succumb to her powers at her touch. He flips her around and locks his arm around her neck, putting a hand over her mouth.

"Where are they keeping the Sirens?" he whispers.

He lifts his hand so she can speak, but rather than respond, she screams.

"They're here!"

She manages to slip her arm loose and reaches out to touch me, but Kieran intercepts her and in a flash, Morgan snaps her neck.

"You okay mate?" he asks Kieran.

Kieran nods.

"I think you got her before she was able to hit me with her powers," he says. "Thanks."

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