Chapter 10

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Finn and Kieran are sitting beside each other on the couch as Kami walks up and sits down on a nearby chair.

"I'm gone for about a week and you're all off getting duped by doppelgängers, killing the Demon King, getting amnesia, brawling with demons..." Finn says, popping the cap off of a beer bottle and taking a sip. "Nothing is ever boring with you lot these days, is it?"

"I could go for some boring right about now," I say, slumping onto the armchair. As Ava walks past me I scoop her into my lap and wrap my arms around her waist.

After the scares we've had lately, I'm never letting this woman out of my sight again.

"So your memory is back?" Kieran asks Ava.

"It would seem so," she says.

"Coolness," Kieran says. "Mine too. That lethe stuff is wild, isn't it?"

"That's one word for it, I guess," she says. "I don't think I'll be trying it again any time soon."

I have half a mind to pour the rest of that bloody bottle down the drain. This whole experience has been way too close for comfort.

"Then I'm sure you'll be happy to hear I cleared every last drop from the house," Kami says.

"That's probably a good idea," Finn says, taking another sip of beer.

"So what's all this with the demons, now?" Ava asks.

"Ahh, yes, that," Kami says. "To be honest, I'm not really sure. According to my sources, they're all leaving town."

"Now, when you say all..." Kieran says.

"I mean all. They're leaving—collectively—all at once."

"Well, shit," Kieran says. "That can't possibly be good, can it."

"But don't we want them to leave?" Ava asks.

"Sure," I say. "But it does make you wonder, why now? What happened to make them suddenly pack up and move?"

"And if they're not here," Kami adds. "Where are they going?"

She's right. It reminds me of mass animal migrations, like when the birds suddenly migrate off-season before a hurricane or when the fish disappear before a tsunami. Whatever it means, it's probably not anything good.

"Does that mean it's dangerous?" Ava asks. "What about Jen? Do we need to keep her safe?"

"It should be safer than ever in town," Kami says. "If anything, it's probably less safe around us right now."

After the Kieran debacle, it's probably easier to keep Jen away from the house anyway—otherwise I'll have to charm her every five seconds.

"Less safe because demons are after you?" Ava asks.

"Maybe," Kami replies. "We're not sure right now, but I've been making a few calls, and it would seem that a few Sirens have gone missing."

"Missing?" I ask. "When were you going to tell me this?"

"When I thought you could handle it," she says, giving me a glare.

"This is exactly what I mean," Finn says. "Never boring."

"So what do we do?" Ava asks. "Do we have to kill another bad guy?"

"She's got a taste for blood now," Kieran says with a laugh.

I shoot him a scowl.

"No, no," Kami says. "We stay put and be vigilant for now. Nobody's coming to kill us or anything."

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