Chapter 30

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A sliver of sunlight peeks through the window and wakes me from my sleep. Ava's head is tucked into my bare chest, her soft breaths warming my skin.

My eyes open to the familiar brick fireplace in my London bedroom. The crisp white ceiling reminds me of home, but the view out the window reminds me we're not in Port Charlotte. It all feels so surreal.

All of the things that I never thought would happen seem to be happening in this very moment. Being in love with a human, back home in England, coming back to work for the council, trying to prevent a war that I may very well have started... ten years ago if you had told me I'd be here in this moment, I'd say you were completely mad.

Who knows, maybe I'm the mad one now.

I promised myself I'd never pull someone into my life again after Ilen. After my lack of self-control led to a massacre. Hell, that one mistake almost got Ava killed over a hundred years later.

Ava's chest rises a bit higher, then falls as she wakes.

"Morning, love," I say. She replies with a soft mewl and cuddles further into my chest, her fingers lightly tracing my tattoo.

My skin tingles as she runs her fingers along my chest and I let out a contented hum.

This is perfect.

I mean, sure, we're only here to find out why Sirens are being murdered and hopefully to prevent a war between Immortals and demons, but besides the impending doom, things are about as good as they could be.

"What time is it?" she mumbles.

"It's about..." I say, glancing at the clock beside my bed, "11 a.m."

"Crap, really?" she groans, flipping onto her back. "I'm soooo tired."

"You're jet-lagged, baby. Tired is to be expected."

She rolls back onto my chest and moans softly.

Well, I'm wide awake now.

"I should get up," she says with a sigh.

"I could think of a way to help you wake up," I say, grabbing a handful of her arse and pulling her closer into me.

"Is that so?" She stretches her arms and legs slightly, yawning a bit before looking up at me with those grey eyes.

"I can give you a demonstration." I roll on top of her and pin her arms above her head and she smiles.

I give her a slow kiss, my hands moving to the back of her head. I duck under the covers and plant a trail of kisses down her chest and stomach as she giggles.

"Hey dude, do you guys wa-" Kieran's voice calls.

Ava shrieks and I jump up, poking out of the covers to see a grinning Kieran standing in the doorway.

"Bloody hell, mate!" I yell. "You ever fucking heard of knocking?"

"My bad," he says with a laugh. "Don't mind me. Feel free to continue."

"Piss off before I rip your bloody limbs from your body!"

"Alright, dude!" He raises his hands defensively. "I was just gonna ask if you wanted breakfast but it looks like you already-"

"Out!" Ava yells, throwing a pillow in his direction.

He dodges the pillow, stepping backward out the door and closing it behind him.

"Fucking tosser," I curse, falling onto the bed beside Ava with a sigh.

"Yeah, kind of ruined the moment."

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