Chapter 64

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"What's happening?" Kami asks from her cell. "What's happening? Why did everyone stop? I can't see from here! Somebody tell me what's going on!"

Lucifer awkwardly clears his throat and looks at Leviathan.

"So..." Leviathan says with a soft voice, "it appears we may have gotten off on the wrong foot."

He walks toward Kieran's cell and pulls a key from his pocket. He unlocks and opens the door, letting Kieran free.

"No shit," Kieran grumbles.

"You're a sensible, attractive man," Lucifer says, "can't you let bygones be bygones?"

"That depends," Kieran says.


"What are bygones?"

Lucifer raises a brow and smirks. With a cue from Leviathan, the Shayatin quietly file out of the room.

"He's calling for a truce, I think," I say.

"What the heck is going on out there?" Kami says.

"It would appear there is a new Demon King of Lust," Morgan says, scratching his head and looking toward Kieran.

"What? Who?"

"Only the sexiest Demon King ever!" Kieran says.

"Oh lord... seriously?" she rests her face in her palm.

"You know it, babe!"

"What does this mean?" I ask.

"Well..." Leviathan says, "The Demon Kings have existed for eons. None of us have ever been killed before. We suspected his powers may have transferred somewhere but... this was unexpected."

"We really do try to get along, us Kings," Lucifer says, taking a couple of defensive steps back with his hands in the air. "So you can see how this is all just a mistake."

"Get along?" Morgan asks. "You all created armies of demons to fight each other."

"Technically Abaddon created his demons for war, the rest of us were just trying to build our defenses."

"We're all pretty evenly matched," Leviathan says. "That's why we try to keep peace among ourselves. Nobody wins when the Kings go to war."

Leviathan walks over to me and unlocks my cuffs with another key from his pocket.

"And why shouldn't we just kill you now instead?" I ask.

"Well, you tell me. How did killing a King go for you last time?"

He's got a point. Not sure I want to draw that kind of attention again.

I walk over to Ava, still in the throes of a Shaytan nightmare, and lift her in my arms. She shivers and whines softly.

"So we have this truce, then what happens?" Kieran asks. "My friends are off-limits and we all just go about our business?"

Leviathan nods. Kieran looks at each of us and sighs.

"Okay then. Release everyone from your cells and we have ourselves a truce."

Ava comes to as I scoop her into my arms and lift her off the ground.

"Wh- what... where am I? What happened?"

"You're alright, love," I say, my voice slightly hoarse. I pull her tight into my chest as I follow the others out of the catacombs. "We were fighting the Demon Kings. It's okay, it's all over now."

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