Chapter 47

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I sit up in bed and take a moment to stretch out. My joints crack and pop like bubble wrap and my muscles are tight and uncooperative.


Last night was fun, but I'm definitely paying for it today.

I wrap myself in a fuzzy robe and shamble out into the living room where Kieran and Zane are watching tv.

"Morning," I say. I was going for cheery, but it comes out as more of a groan than I intend.

"Not feeling well?" Zane asks. I nod in reply.

"Still?" Kieran asks.

"Yes, still, you daft twat. What do you think chronically ill means?"

"Honestly, I have no idea," he says. "I thought chronically meant sorted by date."

"That's chronologically," I say, holding back a chuckle.

"Oh shit, yeah it is, isn't it? I didn't think it made a lot of sense, but I thought maybe you had whatever Benjamin Button had."

"Benjamin Button isn't a real person," Zane says with a scoff.

"Demons aren't supposed to be real either."

Fair point.

"Chronically means it keeps coming back," I explain.

"Oh that makes way more sense!" he says.

Zane pours me a cup of tea as I snuggle into the couch with a blanket.

"Where did Kami disappear to last night, anyway?" I ask.

"She went home with an extremely hot guy whose eyes were glowing red, so I'm assuming she had some Siren on Siren sexy times."

"Oh." I take a sip of my tea as Zane sits beside me and drapes an arm around my shoulders.

"While you guys were having your little liaison in the bathrooms, you missed Tara having a total meltdown. She was asking everyone who you are and why she'd never heard of you before. I think someone let it slip that you were human because she went pretty ballistic and stormed out."

"I was wondering where she went."

"Well, my woman did a great job of claiming me," Zane says with a wide smile.

"You enjoyed that a bit too much."

"I think I enjoyed it the appropriate amount."

"Well," Kieran says. "I gotta admit, I enjoyed it too. I've never seen a tiny woman so furious. And the look on Zane's face—I thought he was gonna bust a nut right there."

"Fuck, mate—you have no filter."

"That's right. 100% unfiltered Kieran, 24/7."


We're interrupted by a knock at the door, but Kami walks in before anyone has a chance to open it.

"Hey, Z!" she says. "Ava. Kieran."

We say hello and she grabs a seat in a chair next to the couch.

"So I heard you went home with a friend," I say with my best wink.

I can't really wink, but I keep attempting it anyway.

"That I did," she says with a smirk.

"It's pretty early. Did you ditch him already?" I ask.

"No, I just had to get to work. I'm an early riser anyway."

"Work on what?"

"I actually... uh... wanted to talk to Zane about that."

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