Chapter 40

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"Are you sure it's safe?" Ava asks, her eyes wide.

"Of course," I say. "Why?"

"Oh, I dunno, maybe the fact that a bunch of demons attacked you yesterday?"

Ah. That.

"That was different, love." I sit beside her on the edge of the bed and rub my palm along her thigh. "When we were attacked, it was because we went behind enemy lines, so to speak. This is just a night out at the pub. Contrary to how it may seem, demons aren't everywhere."

"Just everywhere we go."

Fair dues.

It's strange to know that she worries about me—the Immortal who has been alive for several human lifetimes. But when it comes to herself, she's ready to charge right into danger with no regard for her own safety.

My little human daredevil wants to keep me safe.

I fucking love this woman.

"I should come," she says with a resolute stare.

"You going to protect me if we run into a demon, baby?"

"Well.... No. Shut up, okay? I dunno. I just don't like the idea of you being in danger and me not being there to do something about it."

I wrap my arms around her and pull her into my lap.

"I kind of like the idea of you beating someone up for me," I tease.

"Wouldn't be the first time. I did kick Asmodeus's ass if you'll recall."

"How could I forget?" I give her a kiss on the cheek and she giggles.

I convince Ava that I'll be fine without her and she heads out to the living room where Kieran is waiting. I slip on a T-shirt and jeans before joining them. Ava is wrapped in a blanket on the couch while the two of them watch TV.

"You look good," Kieran says. "Could probably do with a looser T-shirt, though. I'm trying to get laid tonight, not you, remember? I'm supposed to be the hot one."

"You're supposed to be the hot one? Guess you should work on that, eh?"

I smirk and he shoots me a glare.

"If you weren't so gorgeous, I might be mad at you for that little comment."

"Ahh, but I am so..."

"Uggh," a voice groans from behind me. I turn to see Morgan standing in the corner with his arms crossed and his lips pinched into a thin line. "It's bad enough that I have to watch Kieran flirt with Finn all the time, but this? You're both attractive. Let's end it there, shall we?"

So I guess Morgan is here then. Great.

"Speaking of Finn..." I decide to change the subject rather than engage. "Is he here yet?"

"No, Finn called me, said he couldn't make it after all. Some sort of family thing, he said."

"F- Finn's not coming?" The words catch slightly in my throat.

"I told him I could handle anything that comes up. Not like Finn's powers are of much use in a fight anyway."

My eyes narrow as I look between him and Ava. I know I can trust Ava, but I don't feel comfortable with this bloke at all. My first interaction with him is still burned into my memory.

I've never been so directly challenged for Ava before. I still kind of want to kill him.

Is it possible to kill someone just a little bit?

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