Chapter 41

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Zane left about twenty minutes ago to help Kami track down a new lead. Morgan, of course, showed up about a minute after he left. Morgan has always done his best to avoid Zane, but now they both seem to be actively steering clear of each other.

I use Zane's busy days to catch up on my work while Morgan and Kieran keep an eye on me like I'm a 25-year-old toddler who can't be trusted not to color on the walls.

Kieran has been in his room for a while, probably taking a nap. Morgan sits in the corner with his legs crossed so that his ankle is resting on his knee. He seems engrossed in his book—an thick red hardcover with gold lettering spelling out a title in what appears to be Russian.

I can't help but be curious. Is it some kind of magical Immortal book?

I squint in an attempt to work out the letters.

Epatbr... Kapamaeobbi?

"Staring, are we?" he asks with a chuckle.

Oops. Awkward.

"Sorry," I say. "I'm just curious what you're reading."

"Brat'ya Karamazovy," he says with a slight smirk.


I have no idea what that means.

"It's The Brothers Karamazov. It's fiction. By the same author who wrote Crime and Punishment."

"And you're reading it in Russian?"

"Nothing gets past you, does it Killer?"

"So you're fluent in Russian and asshole?" I tease.

He jokingly scoffs before returning to his book.

A ringing sound from my computer startles me and I see a green notification bar pop up in the corner of my screen.


I pick up my computer and step outside into the garden, setting it down on the patio table before accepting the call.

"Heeyyyy girrrll!" Jen's voice calls as she appears on my screen.

"Hey!" I say.

"I've missed you! You've hardly called me since you've been in London. You're a terrible best friend. Tell me everything! Have you killed any more demons or warlocks or whatever else you guys keep running into over there?"

"Jen!" I scold. "I'm not just going around killing everybody left and right!"

"Sure, Killer," Morgan says, appearing behind me as he waves to Jen.

"Excuse me, Mister Eavesdropper!"

"Just doing my job." He heads further into the garden and sits on a bench nearby.

"Who is that?" Jen asks. "You extended your superhero posse without telling me?"

"He's not... nobody is a superhero, Jen. We are not the X-Men."

"Oh, okay, sure. You just have a boyfriend with a British accent who can control people's minds and a demon who has horns and a tail and a girl with wings..."

"That.... You're just.... That doesn't count."

"Plus all of them are like, crazy attractive. What does this new guy do?"

Morgan stands up and walks behind me, leaning on my chair as he looks curiously at the screen.

"Who might you be?" he asks with a cocky grin.

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