Chapter 3

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Mike jumps back in disgust. His face and shirt are covered in vomit and he frantically spits and coughs.

This may be the most embarrassing moment of my life—at least, that I remember.

Yep, I'm going to have to move. And change my name.

"I'm so sor-" I begin to say, but am interrupted by the loud crack of the door whipping open and hitting the wall. Zane's wide-shouldered frame appears in the doorway, still and rigid, like a monster out of a horror movie. His green eyes are ablaze and the bulging veins in his neck look almost black. As he steps toward Mike, I swear I see smoke swirl around his fingertips.

"What the bloody hell did you do?" he hisses at Mike, his eyes bouncing between the two of us as he tries to figure out why Mike is covered in the former contents of my stomach.

Kieran and Kami follow quickly behind, both watching Zane in nervous silence.

How did he even know anything happened? Was he watching us?

"Did he hurt you?" he asks, his voice softening slightly. "Are you okay?"

"It's okay," I say. "I'm fine, he didn't do anything. I uh... I got sick and uh..."

"You threw up on him?" Kieran interjects. He lets out a booming laugh that echoes through the small hospital room. "That's fucking perfect!"

"Fuck you," Mike mumbles.

"You're only making this funnier, bro," he says with a smirk.

A slight smile forms on Zane's face as he eyes Mike, but his body remains stiff.

"Okay, we've all had a great laugh at Ava's expense," I say. I feel my cheeks getting warmer, though I'm sure I'm already bright red.

"I'm gonna clean up," Mike says to me as he makes his way to the door. Before he can pass, Zane grabs his arm, stopping him in his tracks.

Zane's furious expression returns and his nostrils flare.

"What were you doing?" he asks through clenched teeth.

Okay, this is awkward.

"Get off of me," Mike says, struggling to pull away.

"Why were you that close to Ava?" Zane hisses. "Tell me."

"I was trying to kiss her."

Mike's candor has me stunned—though he seems to be a bit surprised himself. He has never been particularly ballsy, unless he's drunk off his ass, so I'm shocked that he's willing to tell this majorly buff guy that he just tried to kiss his girlfriend.

Kami and Kieran watch the interaction with wide eyes.

Before I can fathom what's happening, Zane punches Mike in the gut. Mike folds over and collapses to the ground.

"You bloody bastard," he growls. "You got a fucking death wish, Michael? Trying to kiss my girl? Have you well and truly lost the plot?"

Should I say something?

"You're telling me not to mess with a taken woman? Wow, that's fresh," Mike spits.

This is really uncomfortable.

Zane grabs Mike's neck and squeezes tightly. Mike's face turns bright red as he helplessly pries at Zane's hand.

"Stop it!" I say. "You're going to kill him!"

He doesn't budge or even turn around when he hears my voice. Black smoke moves around Zane's arm and around Mike's neck.

What the fuck is that? Am I hallucinating?

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