Chapter 9: Case Closed

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Author's POV
You got back up but the man swung his bat at you once again. You stood back up and you lost your balance making you stumble back. You fell down and your right hand was on top of your stomach.

"Jambo! Please save Lill- Jambo..?" Akiko was looking around for Jambo

Meanwhile with Conan, he tried to hit the man but only ended up getting hurt as well. He got hit on the stomach, the left side of his face, and the head.

"Playtime's over." The man turned around to face you. He raised the bat and you were just laying in the floor too weary to move a muscle, "It's time to face your death!!"

You closed your eyes tightly waiting for the impact of the bat to hit you. But you didn't feel anything and you were hoping that Conan didn't get in the way. You opened your left eye and your eyes lit up.

You saw Ran in front of you with her right arm up stopping the bat from hitting you. She raised her leg up hitting the man in the jaw. She punched the man multiple times in the stomach making him fall on his knees and spit out blood. Ran finished it off kicking the left side of his face.

A smile appeared on your face seeing that you weren't going to die. "Ran!! Is the girl okay?!" Kogoru said running inside the room

"Yeah, I think we were just in time." Ran said untying the girl. "But Lilith-chan..."

"I'm fine." You said trying to get up. You stood on your feet but you couldn't stand up correctly

"How did you know we were here?" Conan said as he grabbed you left arm and put it around his neck since he noticed that you were losing your balance

"The dog showed us where to go!" She said pointing at the dog, "The dog came back covered in blood. He had the little girls shoe in his mouth and then started running. So we followed him all the here." She said wiping the blood out of your face

"AKIKO!!" The man burst opened the door which made a banging sound making you flinch

"Oh sorry Lilith-chan, did I hurt you?" Ran said since she was bandaging your head

You shook your head and Ran continued with what she was doing. You looked over at the little girl and her father and smiled. You started thinking if your dad was still here would it be the same like that.

You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Akiko yell.

"Akiko's the bad one!! Because the one who thought of the kidnapping plan...was Akiko!!!"

Every one was shocked to hear that except you and Conan.

"When mom died, you only pay attention to your work. I was always lonely by myself so I thought if you stopped working you would be with me. Asou-San didn't want to help with my plan but I made him do it! If you're mad, then you should be mad at me!"

"She did all this at the age 10 and me at the age of 10 was running around the house being a rebel." You mumbled making Conan almost laugh

"So the first kidnapping was nothing but just an act." Kogoru said

"Asou-kun..." The man said in a deep voice, "Even if you were doing this from my daughter's order, I find your actions hard to forgive. As your punishment..."

"Y-yes sir..."

"You must make arrangements for a weeklong vacation starting tomorrow! To the place Akiko has always wanted to go, Australia!"

"Aww, I wanna go to Australia.." You mumbled

"No wait, this week is the executive meeting. Next week is the Stockholders meeting. And then-"

He stopped when Akiko and Asou were glaring at him. He let out a awkward laugh and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well at least the case is solved!" Kogoru said

"You are indeed a brilliant detective, releasing the dogs to find where my daughters was. Jambo really loves my daughter the most our of the 3."

'I was the one who did that. I only used the dog to reduce the amount of time I would take in this tiny body. And I was the one who found the girl.' Conan said in his head

You looked over at Conan and laughed silently seeing his face. He was all grumpy as if someone took his candy away from him. All of you left the school and stood in front of it.

"I'll send you your reward sometime soon!" The man said walking off with Akiko and Asou

"Yes yes, I'll be waiting!"

Akiko looked over her shoulder and smiled at you and Conan. "Bye bye Mr. Detective and Ms. Fighter."

'Ms. Fighter? Should I be offended or...?' You asked yourself

"Mr. Detective and Ms. Fighter?" Ran said looking down at us

"N-no not us. She means you and him." You said pointing at Ran and Kogoru

~ In the car ~

Y/n's POV
"Today was the best day ever!" Oji-san said or more like yelled

'Mine was the worst. Some man forced me to swallow a pill which made me turn to a little kid. I got beaten up by some random man with a bat. And it all happened at night and I'm sleepy!' I said in my head

"Oh Oto-san! About them.." Ran said, "Professor Agasa asked if we could keep them in our house for a while."

He glared at Conan with a stern gaze. "Okay yeah we'll do that! I have a feeling that they will bring me good luck with the cases." His gaze shifted to me and we were just staring at each other.

"I'll take this one." He said lifting me up making me slightly yell. "She's more quiet." He looked at me eyes again and I did the same. "Your (E/c) eyes are shiny like jewels."

"Uhh.. thank you?"

We got home and I inhale the smell of cigarettes. I tried my best not to cough since I didn't want to seem rude.

"Conan-kun, Lilith-chan." Ran said making us turn to face her. "We have an extra room where you two can sleep."

I was praying that there would be two beds. I do not want to sleep with a boy. I slept with Onii-san sometimes but only because I was scared of thunderstorms.

'Now that I think of it...' I looked over at Conan and stared at him, 'He kind of looks like Onii-san when he was younger.'

Ran showed us the room and the angels heard my prayer. There were two beds big enough for us. There was another door which I'm guessing was the bathroom door.

"Get some sleep alright? Goodnight!" Ran said

"Night." I said and walked over to one of the beds. "I claim this one." I said and sat down on the right bed

I laid on my bed and I finally was able to sleep. I closed my eyes and unknowingly I fell asleep.

To be continued...

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