Chapter 42: One More Chance

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You started to get tired, you've been searching for 15 minutes and still haven't found anything out of the ordinary. But you didn't give up just yet.

Your life was on the edge and you didn't want to risk it. Even tough Black Swan was brave during risky situations, this was different.

You looked below every tree you found at the park but couldn't find anything. You climbed the tallest tree in hopes you found something but no.

"What does 'under a tree' mean? And what does he mean that someone will take it?"

Meanwhile, back at the warehouse, Conan couldn't stop pacing back and forth. Haibara looked out the opened doors of the warehouse but made sure to not step forward to trigger the bomb.

Kaito was sitting down on the floor, inspecting every inch of the bomb planted on his ankle.


Kaito looked up and saw Heiji standing in front of him. "What."

"How does that man in the TV know ya? Are you his helper or something?"

"If I was his 'helper' I wouldn't be here with a bomb placed on my ankle eith my life in danger."

"It could be a fake bomb!"

"You want to pull it out and live in guilt of murdering me?"

Heiji stared confused and wide eye at the response he was given. The sudden static made them all look over at the TV.

"You all look a little bored. Why don't we take a look at how our little Swan is doing yeah?"

"Swan?" Everyone muttered in confusion. Everyone but Kaito and Haibara.

"Don't call her that." Kaito said sternly looking at the TV

'Swan? Why did that man suddenly brought up that word?' Conan asked himself

The man ignored Kaito and the TV switch from the dark room to the Beika park. Everyone got closer only to notice you on top of a tree looking around.

Kaito's eyes got wider. "OI! CUT THOSE CAMERAS!" He ordered

"Oh? Why would I do that?"

"Because she...she.." He looked around with his eyes remembering he wasn't alone. "Tch..."

You then noticed something. You squinted your eyes to get a better look at it. A pink pet cage was laying below a wooden bench.

'That's it! A wooden bench is from a tree and whatever is inside is what someone will take!'

Your lips formed a wide smile and was about to climb down the tree but stopped. Your smile quickly faded seeing a little girl on her knees and getting the bag under the bench.

She set the cage on top of the bench and opened it. "Aww! A kitty! Did someone abandon you? Don't worry! I'll take good care of you."

She closed the cage and held the kitty in one of her hands while holding the cage in the other.


You had no time to climb down the tree and just jumped down. You landed on one knee and quickly pressed the button on the back of your shoes.

The roller skates popped out and you skated to where you saw girl go. She got in a car and you yelled out to her.


You were about to cross the road when a truck drove past in front of you making you turn to the side to stop yourself from running into it.

You cursed under your breath and started to chase the car the little girl was in. You looked down at your ring and pressed your thumb around it.

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