Chapter 33: Kaito Kid's Teleportation Magic

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Author's POV
You were in Kinza's 4th city block with Ran, Kogoru, Sonoko, Haibara, and Conan. There was a pack of people waiting to see Kaito Kid in action once again.

You wore a black cap, (f/f) jacket, a grey shirt, a black skirt, and black ankle boots with a small heel. You looked like you robbed a whole store and is now hiding from the police. But you always do.

Jirokichi had placed the 'Purple Nail' in the center of Kinza's road with only four guards to protect it. He is asking for Kaito Kid to steal it.

You gaze landed to the heels on the center. In a short time, your eyes narrowed and your expression turned into a frown. The shoe on the right one was a replica.

A small 'tch' escaped your lips as you noticed the fake one. Conan looked up at you and a sweat dropped from his cheek looking at your outfit.

"You really had to wear heels, huh?" Conan asked with a small glare

You looked down at him with confusion. "What's wrong with it?"

Conan's eye twitched a bit at your response. "You're already tall enough!"

It took while for you to laugh at him. It was fun teasing him and enjoying the fun you were having by doing that. You just wished it would last a bit longer.

As you stood in front of the line of the audience with the others you could overhear the conversation Inspector Nakamori and that old man, Jirokichi.

"Hey, what are you trying to do??!" Inspector Nakamori asked furiously, "Displaying that treasure in the street with only four guards to protect it?!"

"Then what would you do, Inspector Nakamori?" Jirokichi asked, keeping his gaze on the heels

"W-well...I'd put it in a high building, where it would be harder to steal..."

Jirokichi pointed at him with his index finger, "That's it! That was foolish! Kaito Kid and Black Swan made us dance to their tune and we didn't even know it! Those thieves fly away using a high-rise venue to their advantage! Time after time, they've gotten away Scot-free using the wings!!"

"But surely you're not telling me that's why you're displaying it one the ground.."

"That's exactly why!" Jirokichi exclaimed, "To pluck those wings out of their grasp! They aren't birds. If they land on the ground once, they won't be able to fly off with the hang glider and those raven wings!"

"B-but without needing to escape by flying, if he were to blend in this crowd..."

"If so, then we'll diligently check each and every on of them!

A smirk appeared on your lips and you pressed your cap even more down. Hearing their conversation made you chuckled inside at their foolish conclusions.

But little did they know that one teenage boy was also hearing their conversation..

The clock strike 10 and a white figure was seen from afar flying closer and closer to the center.

"There he is!" A man shouted making everyone turn to look that way

"He's here!"

"Kaito Kid!!"

"Where's Black Swan?!"

"Black Swan!!"


Everyone started chanting Kid's name and some asked for Black Swan. You smiled feeling loved by some random people you didn't know.

"Looks like they're looking for you." Haibara whispered making you nod

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