Chapter 7)

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Hello earthlings, i am sorry i have not updated in a long time :/ but here you go. i'll try and make it a little longer :)


No-one p.o.v


Amelia stood there with her head held high, eyes clenched shut waiting for the impact of the Dalek laser. but it never came. Everything was quit, the doctor's voice was no longer yelling for it not to shoot. maybe  it had shot and she was dead. Them she felt someone cup her face, her eyes still tightly shut to scared to look if she was dead or not. The slab still had hold of her arms behind her back, maybe she wasn't dead after all.

"Open your eyes sweetie" she heard a female voice, okay now she knew she was dead, defiantly dead.

" Am I..." Amelia swallowed a lump that was stuck in her throught "dead?" she asked.

"No luckily not, never do that to me again." It was a male voice this time, she recognised it being the Doctor's.

She opened her eyes to she a female with blond frizzy hair, crouched in front of her, hands cupped her face. For some reason it felt like DE-JA-VU. 

"Hello" the woman said still in the same stance.

"Ummm... hello? do i know you?" Amelia asked

"Yes you do. I'm your mother"

Amelia was Gobsmacked. She just met someone who is claiming to be her mother. she wanted to scream and  yell asking her why she left but for now she needed to get off an alien ship, with an alien man, just so she could think.

The woman stood and walked over to the Doctor, who no longer had a slab holding him back unlike Amelia.

"Hello River." The Doctor smiled

"Hello" and then they kissed. Amelia had to look away before she hurled.

"I see you've met your father" Gobsmacked once again Amelia just stared.

"wh-what happened" She asked wanting to move on. That's probably why the Daleks got so mad they wasn't lying after all... apparently.

"River teleported in just before the Dalek could shoot you dead, luckily, she shoved the slab securing me in front of you just before the laser hit you. Meaning that the pile of dust lying in front of you is...leather ash? i suppose" The Doctor stated talking about two MPH. "Do you understand?" He asked probably noticing his daughters confused face. So Amelia just, nodded still taking it all in. The Doctor and River both smiled down on her.

"Can you tell him to get off of me?" Amelia questioned, really wanting to be free of sore wrists.

"Ah yes sorry!" The Doctor exclaimed, rushing to free Amelia of the slab but before he could do anything all three of them heard an uunmissable and recognisable voice.

"SECURE ALL THE PRISONERS" A white Dalek screamed, energing  from from the corner.

Oh great, Amelia thought


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