Chapter 10)

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I actually did write AND publish this chapter last night but i Don't know what happened to it because i did publish it i even dedicated it to someone. so i am really annoyed with wattpad today for deleting ,y chapter :(


Silence. There was not a sound only from the faint breathing from River and The Doctor, who in a matter of fact holding there breath as if it would bring there Daughter back from the dead. The Doctor was silently praying under his breath to see his daughters chest rise and fall just the slightest, indication she was still with them But there was nothing.

The Doctor just looked in horror, along with River as the Dark blue Dalek moved it's whisk and plunger up and down like it was the first time in a long time moving and it had stiffened up...which was strange for a Dalek. Mind you it wasn't exactly a Dalek, it had Amelia's mind and soul, which wanted to make the Doctor puke.

He looked up at Amelia. she laid flat on her back on the cold, hard metal, her hair sprawled across the metal, she was looking up to the roof, eyes open and wide but she didn't blink, she wasn't even breathing. The Doctor looked to the floor a tear in his eye.

River, however, was still staring at the Dalek. It had started to move it's eye stalk and started to ,what looked like, inspecting it's self. It then looked at her, right in the eye. River gasped, she wasn't scared of much but they took her daughter and killed her and where now going to kill her and her husband too, so yeah, she was a little scared. The whole room was silent apart from the tiny sobs coming from the Doctor, mourning his child. The rest of the Daleks where all starring at the same think as River... The Dark blue Dalek. Probably expecting it to exterminate River and the Doctor.

The Dark blue Dalek started rolling towards the Doctor, who was a couple of steps away from River and still staring at the floor, tears rolling down his face.

There was not much River or the Doctor could do but stand there since the slabs still had hold off them.

"Doctor" River warned, as the Dalek grew closer. He finally looked up his eyes red and puffy from the non-stop tears. Noticing the Dalek, slowly strolling towards him, He straightened up and pushed his tongue in his cheek trying to look like a threat.

The Dalek had finally reached him and just stared him dead in the eye, emotionless and the Doctor returned the favour. The Blue Dalek started to look him up and down, then to it's whisk and plunger and back to the Doctor and finally the Dalek pulled it's whisk up towards the Doctor who was towering over the small Blue Dalek.

The Doctor closed his eyes, expecting to be exterminated.

"No" River whispered, shocked that the Doctor would give up so easily.

Then the Dark blue Dalek fired two lasers towards him .

But the Doctor didn't feel a thing only the realise of his arms behind his back.

The Doctor Opened one eye then the other... he was alive. He let out a small laugh and realised his slab was missing, He turned around to see a small pile of Dust. He looked at River who also was free. She walked up to him almost as Gobsmacked as him.

He looked back down at the Dalek, with River by his side and asked the Dalek "you didn't exterminate me...why?"

The Dalek didn't reply, instead it turned and rolled to a giant machine filled with buttons and small circle holes big enough for a plunger to fit in...the ships controller.


first to comment gets a dedication!

And i found it.... the missing chapter... lol

i posted it on the wrong book so i'm sorry for the reader of Random who, who have read this and thought what the hell. lol whooopsies

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