chapter 18) Goodbye and Thank you.

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Yay! chapter lol :)


The smell of burning filled Amelia nostrils as soon as she stepped outside. The fumes entered her lungs, knocking her sick. The dark, night sky was lit with a blazing orange colour. She could feel the heat from where she stood, a couple of feet away, which made her hairs stand on end. The house that once stood so tall and grand was now collapsing in front of her eyes, giving into the flames that danced upon it. She could hear grinding, like on sinking ships, before a part of the house would concave and fall to the ground with a loud crash, sending up sparks of fire that would fly away into the night sky.

The beautiful house she grew up in was ablaze.

Amelia's happiness soon vanished and was replaced by salty tears that rolled slowly down her cheeks. Another loud creek echoed into Amelia's ears, followed by half of the house to fall with a almighty THUD and a scream. She knew exactly who's scream it was, although she forced herself to think other wise but no matter what she thought it was still who she didn't want it to be. It was Maggie's scream. Before Amelia could processes what had just happened, her feet took control. She was running towards the house as fast as she could. she had to. she had to help her. Amelia focused on the house, ignoring the tears that flew out of her eyes as she ran, she ignored the yells that came from behind her, she blocked out her surrounding. She was running as fast as she could towards the burning house. completely oblivious to the fact she didn't know what to do when she reached the ruined house but one thing for sure she had to help Maggie.

She was half way to the house before she felt strong arms wrap around her waist in attempt to take her back to the safety of the TARDIS. "NO! GET OFF ME! I HAVE TO HELP HER!" She yelled. She wouldn't go down without a fight, she was kicking and screaming in attempt to escape the arms that pulled her back. she had to save her. Maggie was the one person who was there when no-one else was. She was piratically her mother.

The strong arms had succeeded in their task. Rory passed his wreak less grandchild over to his wife. Amy grabbed Amelia and held her close to her chest, holding her close. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to come after all, Amy thought to herself. Amy could her the quiet whimpers coming from Amelia as the tears drowned her, she looked up to her husband and gave him an apologetic smile.

The Doctor barged through the TARDIS's doors, holding two blue fire extinguishers, covered in Gallifreyan writing carved into the sides. He shoved one in Rory's hand before they both ran to the house to try and put out the monstrous fire.

Amy spent the next half hour cradling a frightened child next to the TARDIS, rubbing her back and telling her everything was going to be just fine, although she wasn't sure weather everything would be but she would be there for Amelia, whatever happens. Rory came back.

"Most of the fire's out..." He told Amy and Amelia lifted her head out of Amy's leather jacket, her face tear stained. "The Doctor said to wait in the TARDIS while he looks for Maggie." Rory continued.

"Come on then, let's get you inside." Amy said softly while rubbing Amelia back.

"No." Amelia answered back stubbornly "I want to look. I want to help find her!"

"The Doctor told me not to let you out of my sight" Rory told Amelia.

"Please." She begged.

"I can't I'm sorry. I promised the Doctor " Sighed Rory. "Come on, let's get inside." Rory turned his back to walk into the TARDIS and Amelia took this as an opportunity to make a run for it, and just like that she was gone.

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