chapter 4)_

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Thanks to all those who commented :D So you guys do care lol jokes :D oh and so you know this is set before the asylum of the Daleks.


"Soooooooooooo, who exactly are you?" I asked braking the  awkward silence. We Have been walking for at least 2 HOURS at the most, down never ending bright white hallways, while the Doctor was sonicing the walls and...air. well there wasn't really anything else to sonic.

"Me? like I said i'm the Doctor." He stopped and turned to face me.

"yeah, I know. But Doctor of what?" He was almost miming the words was this a regular thing. Dose he always get kidnapped by some sort of aliens with a total stranger, who ask the same questions?

"Just the doctor and only the Doctor, not the Doctor of anything i'm just the Doctor." He smiled at me. Was he enjoying this? because I certainly wasn't. He span on his heels and carried on walking.

"I'm am a time lord. I come from a planet called Gallifrey...."

"Did you just say a planet. Not earth so your like and alien?" Things just keep getting weirder and weirder.


"You're an ALIEN? REALLY, PROPERLY AN ALIEN?" I almost screamed. This had to be a joke, but it wasn't funny the siltiest bit.

"Yep" He said popping the P. "Really properly, an alien" He stopped walking. We had come to a two way junction. Do we go left or right? The Doctor looked left then right then left again and went left. He was mad....and alien.

I did a little run attempting to catch up with him. He was a really fast walker. "But you look human!" I was so confused I had a thousand question buzzing through my mind.

"No you look time lord. We came first." I stopped walking. This was mad. The Doctor continued walking until he noticed i had stopped. He stopped to and turned round. "what's wrong?" He asked me

"I..I.. is this some kind of a sick joke?" I had enough.

"what?" He asked walking up to me and grabbing my shoulders. "this is no way a joke. I know it's hard to believe this especially at your age, But trust me on this we will make it out of here!" He said in a serious tone. I believed him, I really did i guess i was just sceard." Can i ask one more question?"


"Why do the Daleks need me?" His face went cold, when he looked over my shoulder.

"I don't know,but i'm sure we are going to find out." Fear clear in his voice.

I slowly turned around to come face to face with a blue Dalek.

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