?Scaramouche Pt.4?

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        The God of Energy now only has two more weeks, and to her, there were no signs of Scaramouche enjoying his time in Liyue. They spent a lot of time together, and (Y/n) thought that he was not enjoying himself at all. She kept thinking and thinking, wanting to know what could possibly entertain this man.

For Scaramouche, he refuses to admit that he is enjoying this time in Liyue with (Y/n). He feels like if he were to admit it, he would be going back to the Tsaritsa empty handed, and he would have to face punishment. Punishment was not a good thing when it came to her Majesty. Half of him wanted to admit that he enjoyed his time in Liyue with (Y/n), and he wishes to stay with her and learn more about her as a person, and lie to the people back home and say that the Traveler is slick and he can't find them. But the other half of him does not want to face the Tsaritsa with nothing. No information, no locations, nothing.

"Scaramouche!" (Y/n) yelled from behind the teen, causing him to jump. "Ha! I got you!"

"(Y/n)! Do not do something like that to me ever again!" Scaramouche yelled, and kicked the girls butt, but that only made (Y/n) laugh even more. "What in the Tsaritsa's name do you think you're doing sneaking up on me?!"

"I wanted to see your reaction!" (Y/n) nearly fell on the ground, clutching her stomach. "I wish I could have had a painter paint your expression! I need to keep something like that!"

"Don't you dare!" Scaramouche yelled. He was a little happy they were currently at the Wangshu Inn, just staying there for a while before they go back to Liyue Harbor to enjoy some dishes from Chef Mao. Of course, this most likely meant (Y/n) was going to burn her mouth off like last week, but she enjoyed the thill of the spice. "I swear to the Tsaritsa you better not do that to me again! And don't you dare have a painter somewhere hiding to paint my face the next time you scare me."

"That is not a guarantee!" (Y/n) laughed more, falling on her back and laughed like crazy. "Oh gosh that was amazing!"

"Stop laughing at me you stupid women!" Scaramouche yelled, obviously frustrated with (Y/n)'s constant laughter. "You are so annoying! I'm going for a walk!" And he did just that. Scaramouch walked the long way down to the base of the Wangshu Inn.

(Y/n) had stopped laughing, catching her breath. She went to the kitchen area of the Inn, and made some Almond Tofu. Brining up the fresh plate of food, (Y/n) went to the top balcony, and set the plate down on the railing. "Oh Xiao! Get your butt over here!"

"Do you always have to yell when trying to summon me?" Xiao asked, appearing in front of the Almond Tofu plate and started eating. "I specifically told you to summon me with a calm, and not chaotic, way. You always just yell to the point the people at the bottom of the tree can hear you."

"Oh who cares?" (Y/n) asked, leaning against the railing and looked over at her friend. "I always greet my friends like this."

"So that Harbinger is a friend?" Xiao asked, looking over at the girl with a slightly unhappy face. "You should not trust the Fatui Harbingers. You know what they have done to Barbatos in Monstadt."

"I know..." (Y/n) remembered talking to Venti about what had happened to him when his Gnosis was taken away by force. "But Barbatos is doing just fine. He's making the most of his life, and there is nothing wrong with that. I'm just happy that he is enjoying himself in Monstadt."

"You are the God of Energy," Xiao said, continuing to eat the Almond Tofu. He'll admit, (Y/n) has a way with making food. "You really should be careful. If the Cryo Archon is planning on taking all of the Archon's Gnosis, you should be careful. You are part of the 8."

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